There's been a lot of chat about this topic in the TN ABATE group as well. Just as here at Bandit Alley, we're all pissed that the news focused on his lack of a helmet and that he was on a "fast" motorcycle, not that he was the victim of a right-of-way violation. And then, like here at Bandit Alley, we realized that the only ones who were going to tell that story were those of who have the most to lose when a ROW violation occurs.
Also, not so much was made of the fact that the idiot did not have a valid motorcycle license, just an expired learner's permit, and the learner's permit would have required a helmet had it not been expired.
I do get very tired of the TN ABATE members who cite some ephemeral studies that show that motorcycle helmets cause "most" or "more" deaths because they break rider's necks or jaws in a collission. I agree that the ABATE orgs need to challenge bad statistics about helmets and healthcare costs that arise from MC accidents, but the way to do that is not to make up bad stats of your own.
I am basically pro "freedom of choice helmet laws", (I think the goverment should protect us from others, not from ourselves) but I choose to execise my right, to wear a helmet every time I saddle up, whether TN law requires it, or not.