Author Topic: When ones bank account exceeds ones ability.  (Read 4753 times)

Offline B6mick

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When ones bank account exceeds ones ability.
« on: April 25, 2006, 05:37:52 AM »
I was out riding this afternoon, up hill stretch from my place up into the hills, A great piece of road, in fact near perfect piece of road, about 10k’s short but great fun.
I hit the roundabout at the very base of the climb, and was followed by I must say a trick looking speed triple streetfighter. Which was cool by me, I love streetfighters. But about quarter of the way up a crotch rocket came up at great speed. The triumph rider did the right thing and stuck out the right boot to signal the boy racer to pass, as he thought as I that we where holding him up. Then he was the meat in the sandwich, and right up my clacker. So out of the very next corner I moved right over to the left, (Remembering we ride on the wrong side of the road), and signaling him to go on by. Well what a mistake that was, this fellow could ride as long as he followed, because from the moment he passed me, he got every entry and every exit wrong. Dangerously wrong.
So bad when we reached the top and a T intersection, the speed triple rider, shaking like a crazy man, got of his bike and gave this crotch rocket rider a good old dressing down.

For the rest of the ride, I pondered, what do we do about this type of squid rider.
Not a squid, in the normal term, with out the proper riding gear. For this bloke had it all.
The $1,000.00 replica race helmet, the $2,000.00 plus Dyingainteasy racing leather suit with all the sponsor stuff. The $500.00 race boots and $250.00 race gloves. Man he had it all. The every latest Honda CBR1000RR fireblade. Yet the total inability to ride it.

Do we have a graded license system? Like 40 hp, then 80 hp, 120hp, then an open license.
Do we have prove our ability to ride bigger bikes, and how the F*#* do we do it.?
Or do we just let Darwin theory, do its thing. And pray like hell he doesn’t take some one we know, out.
Or do we do as Mr. really pissed of speed triple rider does and give the idiot a verbal spraying?

BTW Mr really pissed off speed triple rider and I, spent the next hour or so playing on some really nice roads, yes we pushed along, and yes it was damned good old fashioned heads down bumbs up fun. But we didn't go tripping each other up on every entry and exit to a corner.

End Rant and stepping down from the efen :soapbox:
Foot loose and fancy free.
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Offline mike

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« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2006, 07:01:31 AM »
Yeah, it's a dead horse in the US, been whipped to death...

It'where the term 'squid' came from years ago = 'squirrely kid'

all you have to do to get an eyefull and weeks worth of stories in the US is visit 'the dragon' in NC/TN any summer weekend.  And normally there will be at least one life flight out of there.  Yougsters with a new R1 and license there to ride the dragon  to try their luck on 11 miles of 318curves.  i've been behind slow just learned to ride crotch rocketeers (slow and learning to fast and out of control types), stunt hooligans, ex-road racers who can run like nobody'susiness with complete control, and even old men on cruisers just checkin out the scenery.  Bottomline, watch out for #1, and use good judgement... If some young wanna die idiot wants to throw himself off one of the hundred or so curves on the side of a mountain, give him space and let him do it.

If we started somekind of tiered license system in the US (more than what it is now with the 125cc reqirement),hel we'd have to do the same thing for kids who drive hot rods as their first car.  It would just never work here. Not to mention the bureacracy of getting everyone to agree on a new law.

Nice rant, maybe it's doable in AU, but it ain't gonna happen here.  Realisically they'd make the mfr's import slower bikes which would affect all riders, before they revamped the whole licensing system for 50 states (state by state).

Heck at least you got it off your chest, maybe take a stand or start a interest group/lobying committee in government if you're serious and actually do want to do more than rant.

Other than that, I guess you're just pissed about the incident, which is understandable. But it's common sight (that kind of rider) in the US.  If they really get someone hurt, they get put in a law suit and lose their insurnce maybe.

Offline B6mick

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« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2006, 07:28:56 AM »
I don't know the answer, and I admit to be far from an angel, in regards to the road rules, especially speeding. :duh:
I'm begining to think, yes I am able to do that without it hurting, that here we need to start looking at some way of stopping idiots like the one I incountered today. One arguement thrown my way was it was a new bike to the rider, and he was just getting to know his new ride.
Fair statement, but my answer was then why the bloody hell would you get tangled up with 2 guys quite obviously getting down, and having fun.
Only to make himself look like a total tossa, and totally spoil the fun being had by the others.
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Offline jbrough7

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« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2006, 07:35:14 AM »
I think a hp rating system would be good for the younger riders.  we have no such thing in canada so if you can afford payments and insurance on a 'killerbusa', go out and do it!

Got back into riding a while ago when i got a deal on a suzuki savage.  31 hp. but the thing went fast enough for me.  a couple of courses helped but then it's just like anything - practice, practice, practice...and tons of miles....then it's on to a bandit and 78 hp.  good, gradual progression and i feel competent on

We do have a graduated licensing system here but the young guys can go in and ace it and pretend to be responsible and then get out on the road and go crazy.

I dunno but it sure does sound crazy.


Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2006, 07:53:26 AM »
The HP based licence is used in the NT, I think.  You start on a 250, do a course, pass a test and move up in capacity, do another course and another test and move up again.

From what I can work out the Poms have a similar system.

But, to be honest I don't think that is the answer.  I've lost count of the number of 'squids' I've seen doing really stupid things on 250's.  Hell, the other day we were at the local Shopping Mall, trying to find somewhere to park, and here's two young d%&kheads on SCOOTERS (Honda @125's) doing wheelies, burnouts (I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't seen it myself) and generally making a nuisance of themselves, in the middle of a busy car park, with cage drivers that are barely better than Vicbloodytorian drivers (reference to a previous post).

I think the only answer is EDUCATION.  Now, to my way of thinking there are 3 types of Education.

1.  Formal Education provided by a professional riding instructor
2.  School of hard knocks - learning by their own very painful and expensive mistakes.
3.  Being lead by example - where more experianced riders - such as ourselves - take the time to explain and teach to these 'squids' the lessons we have learnt over the years.

It doesn't matter which method is used, it's all a matter of providing information.  Remember though -


"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline mike

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« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2006, 08:09:59 AM »
Quote from: "aussiebandit"

I think the only answer is EDUCATION.  Now, to my way of thinking there are 3 types of Education.

1.  Formal Education provided by a professional riding instructor
2.  School of hard knocks - learning by their own very painful and expensive mistakes.
3.  Being lead by example - where more experianced riders - such as ourselves - take the time to explain and teach to these 'squids' the lessons we have learnt over the years.


That sounds very realistic.  Good point !
Membership (kinda like basic training in the Military) to a weekly riding club, where they have to do 6 months mentor training and grade passing to get fully independent 'ride without the group'; might help some of the issues where noobs just pass the test and hit the road on a 1200.

And some people, every punch seems to remove a couple IQ points. :lol:

Offline B6mick

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« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2006, 08:20:25 AM »
Aussie ya know just today I said to the minister, its no bloody wonder victorianbloody drivers are so shyte. We where on our 2 1/2 hour mountain bike ride, on a shared pathway in the hills. Now all along this pathway are signs, cyclists use a warning devise when aproaching walkers, walkers keep left. You know even the bloody walkers carn't even get that right, then how do you expect them to drive? like shyte I would suggest.
Foot loose and fancy free.
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2006, 08:49:53 AM »
We where on our 2 1/2 hour mountain bike ride, on a shared pathway in the hills.

2 1/2 hour mountain bike ride

2 1/2 hour mountain bike ride

2 1/2 hour mountain bike ride

Sorry, I just had to make sure I'd read that right.......

2 1/2 hour mountain bike ride

Sorry, I can't see you, the Minister yes, you no, doing ANYTHING on a bike that doesn't have an engine, let alone ride for 2 1/2 hours.   :stickpoke:

2 1/2 really are serious about loosing some kilos......well good luck to you.

I'm still struggling to give up the gaspers.....

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline B6mick

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« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2006, 06:30:00 AM »
Yes mate thats right a 2 and 1/2 hour mountain bike ride, that follows up the 4 hour mountain bike ride I did on saturday. Yes mate I'm really serious about getting fit, and loosing the 2 or maybe 3 spare tyres ( depends on whether we are talking 150/70/17 or 190/70/17s's ) around my gut. Actually I have been riding the pushie every 2nd day for about a month now, If I intend to do any form of racing I need to be a lot fitter than I am now. In fact one of my customers on the courier run has seen me out riding the pushie and has asked me to join his veterans push bike racing club, me I think they must be short on members. :stickpoke:
As for giving up the smokes, mate is all I can say is don't be to hard on yourself. I weakened once a every week for 6 months.
At first it would be 4 maybe 6 smokes ( buy a packet give it to someone at work so your not on the bot ) a week, then as a reward, for not smoking like a semi with f*#*ed injectors. Then 1 a week again as a reward. Eventually they start to taste like shyte, ( not that I go round tasting shyte) then its easy to walk away from the habit altogether.
Although I gave up newyear a year and a bit ago, it took me at least 6 months to get to the stage, of totally kicking the habit. Don't forget to reward yourself even if its with a smoke. Its not just a physical habit as much as it is a mental habit. I tried the mints as a substitute, no winner there, ya give up a smoking habit and end up with a sweets habit.
Foot loose and fancy free.
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2006, 03:36:54 AM »
Thanks for the support bloke,

I'm fine at home (no one else smokes there, and there's not real lot of stress).  I fine on rides (usually), the rally f&*ked me though.

The biggest problem I have is at work, there are other smokers and, at times, more stress than any human being deserves.....

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline jbrough7

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« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2006, 04:06:33 PM »
I quit for six weeks just a little while ago but got back on as soon as I stressed out at work!  One lady drives me nuts and as soon as she starts yapping, I start searching for my tobacco...I'll try another time, I guess.

Someone once said there are two kinds of people in the world; smokers and non.  Find out which you are and then just do it...I love to smoke but I sure hate the thought of that cancer sh!t.


Offline B6mick

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« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2006, 12:27:05 AM »
A T- shirt I used to wear in the seventies.

I Gave up
And drinking.
It was the worst 5 minutes of my life.

But I'm 30 odd years older now, and I have given up 2 of them listed vises, the other 2 I'll give up when they put me in a pine box. Well I hope. :banana:
Foot loose and fancy free.
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2006, 09:04:31 AM »
Quote from: "B6mick"
A T- shirt I used to wear in the seventies.

I Gave up
And drinking.
It was the worst 5 minutes of my life.

But I'm 30 odd years older now, and I have given up 2 of them listed vises, the other 2 I'll give up when they put me in a pine box. Well I hope. :banana:

So you're still drinking and taking drugs then :stickpoke:  :banana:

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline B6mick

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« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2006, 07:43:53 AM »
Well going by the wedding theories around here,
I'll be down to 1 vise some time around new year. :duh:
Foot loose and fancy free.
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2006, 03:02:46 AM »
Trust me it's not the marriage bit the stops that, it's the having kids bit.

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"