Author Topic: ZX-14 OR HAYABUSA  (Read 9389 times)

Offline thurm

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« on: June 17, 2006, 08:54:52 PM »
I am thinking of trading in the  C-50 for a fast sport bike. AS the only sport type of bike i have rode is the 400 bandit, Which one do you all think  is the best one,  want it to chit and get,but still not vibrate the hands to death.  All opinions are appericated. also if anyone knows about how much the insurance runs on these type of bikes, numbers are welcome!:gatlin
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Offline Have Blue

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« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2006, 11:43:34 PM »
A 400 bandit or a C50 is a snail compared to a Bus.  You're in for one hell of a shock.  :-)

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Offline jbrough7

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« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2006, 06:41:18 AM »
I haven't sat on a Busa (let alone ridden one) but I sat on a black ZX and I just about fell in love.  The thing transcends machinery and works it way into an art form, IMHO.  Can't even imagine riding one; you can probably leave home and get to work BEFORE you left, if you get my drift.  

Good luck!

Offline solman

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« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2006, 07:55:59 AM »
I personally don't like Kawi's, but I have heard good things about the ZX14.  In the June 06 of Cycle World magazine, there is an article about the new ZX14.  I have ridden the Hayabusa and it is a good ride.  A bit bulky, but a decent ride.  Problem I see with those big bikes is that they are good for going fast in a straight line, but lack the agility on the twisties.  I personally wouldn't choose either, but if I had too, I would take th busa.  As a side note, there are a  lot of busa's out there that people have bought and don't want them any more.  So there is a lot of good deals to be taken advantage of.
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!

Offline jbrough7

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« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2006, 09:02:45 AM »
Wonder why?  Lack of comfort bugs you after a bit?


Offline jeepskate99

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« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2006, 09:49:48 AM »
Quote from: solman
I personally don't like Kawi's, but I have heard good things about the ZX14.  In the June 06 of Cycle World magazine, there is an article about the new ZX14.  I have ridden the Hayabusa and it is a good ride.  A bit bulky, but a decent ride.  Problem I see with those big bikes is that they are good for going fast in a straight line, but lack the agility on the twisties.  I personally wouldn't choose either, but if I had too, I would take th busa.  As a side note, there are a  lot of busa's out there that people have bought and don't want them any more.  So there is a lot of good deals to be taken advantage of.

One of the guys from rides a Hayabusa at the trackdays and he is always near the head of the group every session.  And he doesn't really nail it in the straights.  Goes to show i you have the skill and strength the Busa will corner with the best of them.
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Offline Red01

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« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2006, 10:31:17 AM »
I'd guess the cost of insurance will be about the same for either one and will be one of the most expensive bikes for you to insure. How much insurance costs is highly variable on a number of factors, like your age, marital status, driving record, where you live, how many miles you plan on racking up, how much coverage you want as well as the model of bike.

Both of these bikes are considered to be more of a GT bike than a pure sport bike. They are more comfortable and not as razor sharp  as the race-replicas like the GSXR1000, ZX-10R, R-1, etc. If you want a bike for going as fast thru the twisties as you can or for a track day tool, neither one of these is the best choice. If you want a bike for riding all-day at a good clip or want to take up drag racing or top speed contests, then these two are for you. From what I've read of the numbers, I'd pick the one I liked the looks of the best.
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Offline thurm

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« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2006, 12:20:28 PM »
Appericate the imput,I am leaning toward the suzi. It is more aerodynamic
in it looks.gotta have some comfort for the wife to tag along.
  I wonder why so many people are selling the hayabusas?
 I was reading about frames breaking for no reason on or around 04 or05
 i had a 69 model suzuki dump me on the pavement at 55 mph.WELL......... :duh: It was at  night and the headlight was not very bright and i hit somthing that was in the road.............. But that is another story.
 IF theay are having problems with the frames i would like to know.
If it wont go,use a bigger hammer!

Offline Red01

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« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2006, 01:23:20 PM »
I remember reading about subframe issues on earlier models, but Suzuki addressed that by changing from aluminum subframes to steel ones.

The current issue (July  '06) of Motorcyclist has a test of the ZX-14 compared to the FZ-1 - as an all-around kind of bike.
They actually preferred the ZX-14's daily street manners.
Following the artilce, there's a brief one pager on the Busa (less than 1/2 page of text):


What About the 'Busa?[/b]
The king is dead? Long live the king

Call it Hay Bus, 'Busa or GSX1300R. Suzuki's Hayabusa has endured atop the big-inch GT food chain on the strength of a 1299cc four that has defined strong since 1999. Challengers have come and gone, but the 'Busa perserveres as something of an icon in Suzuki's streetbike lineup. Given the international gentlemen's agreement among motorcycle manufacturers that caps top speed at 300 kph (186 mph), the factory still calls it the fastest motorcycle in the world, even if Kawasaki can claim the same thing. The question is, at least until its successor shows up, how does the 'Busa stack up against Kawasaki's new ZX-14? Better than a seven-year-old design should.

Regardless of what you think about its distinctive silhouette, the Hayabusa still gets stares in the parking lot, even if it looks a bit dated to us. Instrumentation, amenities and general mechanical presence are beginning to look a bit out of date as well. The riding position remains a bit too cramped for comfort on extended sport-touring sorties. But throttle response is flawless, delivering a smooth flow of power from idle all the way up to 9750 rpm and that full 162.6-horsepower head of steam. Aside from a patch of vibration between 4500 and 5000 rpm, it's going in between. More importantly, the engine that has become motorcycle drag racing's answer to the 426 Hemi churns out 97.4 lb.-ft. of torque at 7000 rpm, making most twisty roads a one-gear proposition. And, if you are going drag racing, there are about as many go-fast parts out there in catalog-land for this big four as there are for Chrysler's celebrated V-8.

There's not much to whine about in the chassis. The six-pot Tokico calipers are nearly powerless until they warm up and a bit wooden after that. But armed with a brick house of a chassis and firmer springs than Kawasaki's biggest gun, the 'Busa is a more confident carver on most twisty roads. And though it looks shorter, the 'Busa's 58.5-inch wheelbase is a full inch longer than the 14's. At 563 pounds, the Suzuki weighs exactly the same. Since most of that extra bulk sits relatively high in the chassis, flinging the Suzuki from side to side takes more effort.

At $11,099, you can pick up an '06 Hayabusa for $400 less than the price of a new '14, but there are better deals to be had. Suzuki's web site lists the '04 'Busa - the same motorcycle in different colors - at $10,899, which tells us there are good deals out there. It's not quite as light or as quick as the new king of quick, but if you actually ride the bike instead of obsessing on the spec sheet, it's clear there's more than enough life in this bird to keep things interesting until a new 'Busa shows up.
2001 GSF1200S
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Offline Daytona

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« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2006, 02:48:26 PM »
thurm: I am thinking of trading in the  C-50 for a fast sport bike. AS the only sport type of bike i have rode is the 400 bandit, Which one do you all think  is the best one,  want it to chit and get,but still not vibrate the hands to death.  All opinions are appericated. also if anyone knows about how much the insurance runs on these type of bikes, numbers are welcome!:gatlin
Hey don't B cautious about the Busa! They have worked all the minor bugs out of this bike. I think the Kawi has time to show some of its woes! The ride is comfy @ super slab speeds and even better @ big ticket mph, about town not that easy on my L-wrist, but getting better. I'm no knee dragger but could keep up with most when we were @ boss (deals gap, Dragon etc) There is a bunch of stuff to hurt on this bike even for a simple garage tip over!!! While i'm here what do you think of these? Too much BLING?  :beers:  :beers:  

Offline jbrough7

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« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2006, 02:55:22 PM »
No, they are super cool but now I miss your CAPS and/or italics!! :wink:


ps - did you get my pm?

Offline Andrew1157

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« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2006, 03:11:50 PM »
Based on no higher authority than my own opinions, busa all the way. When i think o the zzr11's 12's 14s (zx to you guys) i think of a promoted regional head of paperclip supplies for the upper east region of milton keynes out to impress his bored secretary/internet wife.
Busa's are ridden by hooligans  :banana:
99 B12, Scorpion pipe, rearsets, renthals, Twin Spots. She's a beaut.

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Offline Daytona

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« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2006, 03:19:49 PM »
Yes i did since you mentioned it! Not a big F. Ball fan but! My son has a Ricky Bobble Head does that count? And as far as comfy for the wify! My better half says THE BUSA has a  better seat than any of the others she sat on and those were even oem, then Corbin's.. I think the gold color levers look good with the fork legs being the same color! The wife said its gaudy and to blingy!! I got to R&R my broken Clutch side, also are these cheapy ones as good as the $32+ea OEM's that say bike bandit has? Anyone if you have ever got a set for any bike were they ok quality???  :beers:  :beers:  :bigok:

Offline Daytona

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« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2006, 03:29:18 PM »
="thurm"]Appericate the imput,I am leaning toward the suzi. It is more aerodynamic
in it looks.gotta have some comfort for the wife to tag along.
  I wonder why so many people are selling the hayabusas?
 I was reading about frames breaking for no reason on or around 04 or05
 i had a 69 model suzuki dump me on the pavement at 55 mph.WELL......... :duh: It was at  night and the headlight was not very bright and i hit somthing that was in the road.............. But that is another story.
 IF theay are having problems with the frames i would like to know.
And another thing along with all my other praise for this product! The light that this space ship puts out! Lights up not only way in front on hi, but even on low beam you can spot deer on both sides of the road! Its awesome in the tech dept!    :beers:

Offline Daytona

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« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2006, 03:35:47 PM »
Ok another Ho Post!!   Anyone with a faired bike get your frame slider's on that thing!!! Got mine on just in the nick of time!!!!  One side of plastic on this is over $500.00 I got off with little more than a broken lever, that only after i tried to straighten it.  :duh:  :thanks: