Author Topic: Blu-Blocker/Hi-Viz Visors  (Read 10598 times)

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Blu-Blocker/Hi-Viz Visors
« on: January 05, 2007, 05:39:36 PM »
Welcome to the Sharing Corner:

I recently ordered the hi-viz orange visors for my Shoei Syncrotec and X-11 helmets.  (Two different shields, darn it!)  I had been curious about these for a few years, partly because back in the day I used to wear the Ammmmbervision sunglasses, and liked them.  But I thought the orange looked really dark and was concerned about night riding.

As it turned out, I really like these visors!  In daylight (both sunny and gloomy) they have been like getting a prescription lens for the helmets...everything is sharp and in high relief.  And it doens't *seem* orange when I'm looking out from the inside.  (Cue Alice Cooper's album.)

My concerns about night riding are...somewhat unresolved.  While I haven't done any significant night riding since I got them, I have worn the helmet at night just to see what it was like.  My impression is that city riding, where there are streetlights and signs, would be just as improved as daylight would be.  But if I were somewhere in the sticks where the natural light is about all there is, I think it would be hard to see things that are in the shadows, such as a deer.  So I can see that carrying a clear shield would be a smart if cautious move.

The other thing I got a strnage kick out of  is something that I forgot from when I used to wear the blu-blocker shades.  When I raise the hi-viz orange visor, the world turns BLUE.  While I have no personal experience, it's what I imagine a *banned* overdose is like.  (If only the visors had the *other* *banned* effects....although that would be gilding the lily,)
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