Author Topic: Pilot Road II  (Read 9566 times)

Offline solman

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Pilot Road II
« on: February 08, 2009, 12:39:12 AM »
I am currently running a PP on the front and a Road II on the back and must say that I am so far loving the results.  I did a max lean angle on it today and had no issues at all.  Temp today was mid 60's.  I ended up feeling just as confident on the Road II as I did on the PP's.  I had no grip issues with the Road II's at all and may stick with them.  I will see how they do on the long term.  I also have a friend running them on a ZX12 with no issues as well and he is an aggressive rider as well.  He has even done track days on them as well.

Previous tires:
Macadam/stock: Sucked, cupped, bad feel, not so great traction.

Metzler Z6:    I really liked and had good feel and feedback.  Only issues were very minor
                   was when the tire was at the end of the life, had some minor slips during 
                   aggressive riding.

Pilot Power:  Good sticky tire and grew to like them.  Initial feel didn't quite do it for me as
                  the Metzlers did and have had similar reports.  Very good tire for twisties
                  with no issues to the end, but I believe the Metzlers had a better initial feel

Pilot Road:    It was an ok tire, but I lost a lot of confidence riding on them in Texas.  I
                  had a few slips on occasion under power.  I put the tire back on the rear in
                  Arizona it worked quite better, so it must've disagreed with the type of 
                  pavement in Texas.  Would I go back to them, probably not.

03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!