Bandit Alley

MODEL SPECIFIC => SUZUKI BANDIT 250 & 400 => Topic started by: Az on March 30, 2005, 05:45:51 PM

Title: 2000 Bandit 250, noisy 3rd and 5th gear
Post by: Az on March 30, 2005, 05:45:51 PM
Hey everyone, my 2000 Bandit 250 makes a bit of a thumping/clunking noise in third and fifth gears. you can feel it too. any ideas? Sounds expensive doesn't it???
Title: 2000 Bandit 250, noisy 3rd and 5th gear
Post by: Maniac on March 30, 2005, 10:01:26 PM
Well that doesn't sound particularly good...

Does it do it under acceleration? Hard? Moderate? Old Lady Like? Or does it do it no matter what?

Chain tight? It's not jumping? All your sprockets are in good shape and have all their teeth? Chain is OK and not worn out?
Title: 2000 Bandit 250, noisy 3rd and 5th gear
Post by: Az on April 02, 2005, 09:33:40 PM
It only happens under acceleration, and steady riding, not on deceleration.'
i'm yet to get the chain and sprockets changed, but i thought it would do it in all gears if the chain and sprocket was an issue....
Title: 2000 Bandit 250, noisy 3rd and 5th gear
Post by: UKbandit on April 11, 2005, 05:35:30 AM
I'm not an expert on bandits (haven't taken mine ot bits yet) but 3rd and 5th gear sprockets on the countershaft are next to each other with a bush in between. I'm surprised that you don't hear it in 4th though cos 3rd and 4th are all one piece. Bear in mind that this could be a complete bum steer.
Title: 2000 Bandit 250, noisy 3rd and 5th gear
Post by: Az on April 15, 2005, 06:00:05 AM
fifth is most prevelant...
Title: 2000 Bandit 250, noisy 3rd and 5th gear
Post by: Az on April 25, 2005, 08:08:42 AM
just a footnote to this one guys..

new chain and sprockets fixed the problem... like a new bike!!
Title: 2000 Bandit 250, noisy 3rd and 5th gear
Post by: PitterB4 on April 25, 2005, 09:39:58 AM
Cool!  That's an easy and relatively cheap fix!   :bigok: