Well, after much mucking about, it's finally running and rideable. I decided that the whole airbox thing wasn't working out, so I put it back together and fiddled with it til it ran about right for now. Until I get my own synch tool, I just have to go by intuition and plugs. That being said, before I go any further with it and buy the bigger jets and tear the carbs apart yet again to shim up the needle (which I have NO idea how to do, cant see any clips or anything obvious) is the whole "more air" thing going to do anything at all besides make it use more gas? Don't get me wrong, I want to get all the power I can out of it without spending big bux, but Its my daily rider and has to have *decent* mpg. If it's not going to make it more enjoyable to ride, then I may just leave it.
One other note: So I can buy jets by themselves, right? dont have to go and buy a whole kit? If it's so lean, why all the soot and the SMELL?