Title is explaining nearly everything...
I wanted to start my bike with the start, didn't do a thing. The fuse was blown. So i replace it . I can turn over the crank, but it doesn't want to start.. Then suddenly i smell something 'chemical' and i see smoke coming from under the back seat!
And the fuse blew again..
I'm thinking this might be because of my r/r, it's overcharging and i'm impatiently waiting for the Honda one i've won on ebay... But now this has happened.
i checked the threads in the FAQ.
now i'm wondering if this is applicable in my case? i need to replace the capacitors and transistors? God i hope it isn't the IC itself... that bugger doesn't seem to look standard
Any idea's or remarks?
In case repairing is useless, i've checked on internet and i see 3 places where i can get a CDI from:
-Electrex (UK)
-Carmo (NL)
-Ebay (USA) Note: written he's only doing USA, i've sent him an email if he's adamant about it.
Maybe a long shot if someone here has a CDI on stock and wants to sell. I think i saw 10D00 on mine..
Any help is greatly appreciated!!