Bandit Alley

MODEL SPECIFIC => SUZUKI BANDIT 250 & 400 => Topic started by: verdomde on April 24, 2005, 11:21:19 AM

Title: Bye Bye bandit
Post by: verdomde on April 24, 2005, 11:21:19 AM
My Bandit v was totalled yesterday :sad:
My Brother was riding along minding his own :motorsmile: when a peugeot pulled out in front of him :rant2: , hit him side on, breaking his foot. My bandit was not so lucky. It's dead.  :duh: I've not seen it but i'm told it's pretty bad. Nil chance of repair.
So it's a possible goodbye to the bandit forum.
Fingers crossed for plenty of insurance money. Over £1500 and I'm getting an Sv65O, if i get less I think i'll be back on another bandit.
It's been fun.
ciao  :crybaby:
Title: Bye Bye bandit
Post by: echomadman on April 24, 2005, 12:41:55 PM
I recently bought an SV650, I'm currently shopping for a bandit 600 to replace it, the V engine doesnt tug my heartstrings like the inline 4, try to get a testride on both before you decide.

edit: bummer about your bike too, can i buy your petcock :) ? or is the bike already in the hands of the insurance company
Title: Bye Bye bandit
Post by: gsxr400 racer on April 24, 2005, 12:46:24 PM
sorry to hear, that you wanna buy a SV that is!   :stickpoke:  seriously tho damn 4 wheelers
Title: Bye Bye bandit
Post by: Zhi on April 24, 2005, 03:02:06 PM
Sorry to hear about your bandit but glad your brother is okay.
Title: sv versus bandit 6
Post by: verdomde on April 24, 2005, 04:54:10 PM
My buddy's got an sv650, i've ridden it quite a bit. The grunt it's got is amazing. LOve the v-twin, in-lines just don't have the sound. The bandit 6 i just found dull after riding my bandit 4v. Not exiting like the sv, although i do live in scotland where there are lots of twisties to use the v-twin low down grunt in.
p :motorsmile:
Title: Bye Bye bandit
Post by: Red01 on April 24, 2005, 08:12:05 PM
Sorry to hear of the loss. Hope your brother makes a speedy recovery.

Hope you enjoy whatever you decide to replace it with. There's tons of great bikes out there, Bandit, SV and many more. As long as it makes you grin, that's what matters!
Title: Bye Bye bandit
Post by: PitterB4 on April 24, 2005, 09:05:39 PM
Damn - sorry about your bike.  Even if you don't get another Bandit, we don't have any rules that say you can't hang out here once in a while.   :bigdrink:
Title: Bye Bye bandit
Post by: verdomde on April 26, 2005, 04:44:54 PM
yeah, i'll be droppin by every once in a while, still love my bandit, but time to move on up (plus i want a more reliable bike.).
Title: Bye Bye bandit
Post by: gsxr400 racer on April 26, 2005, 09:59:09 PM
wate till the new gsxr 600 comes out next year.
Title: Bye Bye bandit
Post by: verdomde on April 28, 2005, 04:38:00 PM
wha? you think i'm made of money? Plus I don't want a gsxr 600 (although it is awesome.). Incidentaly, my mate says the b4 v has the engine from gsxr400, isat true? My courtesy hire bike from the insurance company is a 2003 bandit6. Is boring compared to the 400, and doesn't seem to have a power band worthy of note or torque for that matter. Nice high riding position and small turning circle. Annoying as hell alarm system and even more annoying turn signal reminder, gives you 20seconds to turn a corner then starts beepin, whats that about?

They had my bike in the van when they dropped off the courtesy bike, thing is bloody indestructable. The crank case cover is smashed, some scrapes to the frame and a smashed mirror. Built to last man. Means it may be repairable so i won't get enough money to buy an sv :sad:
Title: Bye Bye bandit
Post by: gsxr400 racer on April 28, 2005, 09:40:54 PM
yes gsxr 400 gk73a except pistons half point higher in compression,cams are better and some have close ratio gear box i use various parts froma bandit 400 and all the gaskets.
Title: Bye Bye bandit
Post by: verdomde on May 01, 2005, 10:31:14 AM
cool. i saw a gxr400 for sale in paisley and it looked and felt pretty nice, would totally consider one. It looks mean.