There was something else wrong with the pulse signal? (apart from it being too wide?)
Yes, there was a second problem with the pulse signal. I had it wired up wrong. The Variable Reluctance (VR) sensor has two wires and I accidentally got them hooked up to the Microsquirt backwards. When a VR is wired backwards it's pretty hard to tell until you start revving the engine up. At idle or just above idle a backwards wired VR sensor looks almost normal.
So when I started going out on test rides I found that the Bandit couldn't rev past 6,000 RPM.
Fixing the problem was very easy, all I had to do was disconnect the plastic wiring connector plug on the VR line from the left engine cover and reverse the pins, then plug it back in.
Then I had to re-accomplish the basic timing setting with the timing strobe light. Just a 30 minute job all together. And as you can tell from the videos, the Bandit runs great now.
Still sounds like you don't have an exhaust muffler 
Yeah, it's pretty loud. The baffling material inside the Yoshimura exhaust canister is probably well past its useful lifespan.
Another reason the videos sound like they do is I'm using a plug-in microphone that is of a much higher quality than the basic microphone on the video camera. I've been positioning the microphone at the tail end of the Bandit, just behind the tailbag that holds the laptop computer.
Did you go full throttle in the 2nd video?
No, just to about 80-85% of throttle. The highest RPM on the most recent video is just over 11,000.