sure was fast from tore apart to back together
that's what i do for a living :D[/quote]
LOL thats what i used to do for a living till i decided i like my kindeys to live longer than the normal mechanic expected time, was tried of being dirty and smelling like old fork oil, no babe worth a shit really like to be fondled by some dirty fingers that are really clean they just really stay that color. Dont get me wrong i made some phat cash while doing it for 13 years it served its purpose. Now im a pharmacy technician and its great to work at a place were the lighting is brite lol go home just as clean as you went and has to be easiest job ever no stress! More power to the ones that do it all there life ill always work on bike but just never for a living again!
Cheers twas nice to chat for a minute! Best of luck with whatever you do!