Bandit Alley

MODEL SPECIFIC => SUZUKI BANDIT 250 & 400 => Topic started by: stormi on May 23, 2005, 12:48:03 AM

Title: Help! Where does this go?
Post by: stormi on May 23, 2005, 12:48:03 AM
(Also posted in the General mechanical forum)


I'm brand new to the forum, and very impressed with the amount of information that I'm finding here! Thank you!

We had torn down my 91 bandit 400, because she wouldn't start for me. After taking the carbs off and cleaning, and replacing the choke cable (fabricated one from scratch for lack of availability and outrageous cost of it here.) , we were putting her back together, and came across a hose neither of us remembers removing.  

Now this hose comes from the Coolant resevoir, then "T"s off into two hoses. One of these hoses is "stretched" on the end, like it's been on a fitting of some sort in the past,... we -think- this might belong to the "fuel tank water drain plug" on the bottom of the fuel tank. It's a nice snug fit too when we try to fit it there.

The other end, looks unflared, as though it might never have been attached to anything, or loose fit. The general consensus is that it is a "drain hose" for the water drain plug,.. but I have concerns about the "T" in the line allowing some of the water from the tank being able to get into the coolant this way and dilute the coolant,... concerned enough about this to have not started the bike yet.

I have photographs of the whole mess, I have posted to my website here: The images can be enlarged by clicking on them.

We're both brand new to streetbikes, but are mechanically inclined and have dirtbikes as well. We have gone through the service manual to see if we could find the location of these hoses, but the manual only shows one lead off the coolant resevoir, and it's not labelled in the manual as to what it is.

If anyone has any input, it would be very appreciated.
Title: Help! Where does this go?
Post by: TheKillerB on May 23, 2005, 01:12:32 AM
Welcome to the forum!  :beers:

I consulted my manual and you are correct.  One end goes to the right side of the coolant reservoir cap and the other goes to the fuel tank water drain.  The hose they T into routes down behind the crankcase and goes into a sort of clamp under the right side engine case cover.  Basically overflowed coolant and fuel tank water go down that t hose and onto the ground.  Neither fluid should make it to the other location, they'll both go down that hose.  

If you want to see the page for yourself, go to the top of this Bandit 400 forum and click the topic that says "Sticky: Service Manual and Parts Microfiche."  Click the link for "Service Manual" and then click the link for "Section 8."  The page is pdf page 20 (page 8-19 of the manual).  The diagram is at the bottom.  Hope this helps.

Title: Help! Where does this go?
Post by: stormi on May 23, 2005, 01:38:38 AM
OMG you are so AWESOME! Thank you so much!
:)  :banana:

We'd checked the manual, but must have missed that portion! (Possibly all the gas fumes?)
Title: Help! Where does this go?
Post by: TheKillerB on May 23, 2005, 02:26:10 AM
Yeah, gas fumes can do that.  Glad to help out.  You'll find this forum to be a great resource.  Hope it fires up for you.  Enjoy the ride!

Title: Help! Where does this go?
Post by: PitterB4 on May 23, 2005, 09:05:42 AM
Just make sure the "T" ends up lower than it is in your pic.  You don't want gas (if you overfill the tank) running down into your coolant bottle.  

Good luck!
Title: Help! Where does this go?
Post by: stormi on May 23, 2005, 02:46:50 PM
Quote from: "TheKillerB"
Yeah, gas fumes can do that.  Glad to help out.  You'll find this forum to be a great resource.  Hope it fires up for you.  Enjoy the ride!


I'm looking so forwad to the ride!  She runs great when I can get her started, but the starting was such a chore.  That's why we took her apart in the first place.  Here's hoping today will be successful at getting her running!  Of course,.. Murphy's Law would dicate that it would be pouring rain today.
Title: Help! Where does this go?
Post by: stormi on May 23, 2005, 02:49:41 PM
Quote from: "PitterB4"
Just make sure the "T" ends up lower than it is in your pic.  You don't want gas (if you overfill the tank) running down into your coolant bottle.  

Good luck!

I think that was what had made me balk at starting her up in the first place.  Even if I didn't overfill, but "missed" the opening, there was a chance of gas getting in there.  

We've re-routed the hose,.. and are going out to try to get her started,... any toes, fingers, eyes or other appendages that can be crossed for luck will be.  :grin:
Title: Success!
Post by: stormi on May 23, 2005, 09:56:03 PM
We got her started,.. because she was completely dry of fuel, we set her to prime, and turned her over a few times,... nothing,... tons of turning, no catches.  Then, since we'd killed her battery by doing this, we hooked her up to the  truck, and tried again in a few minutes.  It took about 3 tries and she fired right up.  We'll have to tighten up the lifters sooon it sounds like, but it sure was good to hear her run.  Now if it would just stop raining.

Thanks to both of you for helping to get her running!
Title: Help! Where does this go?
Post by: PitterB4 on May 23, 2005, 10:36:44 PM
It is good to finally get it going, isn't it.  Very satisfying.  Good luck.  Keep us posted!
Title: Help! Where does this go?
Post by: stormi on May 24, 2005, 12:32:50 AM
Boy is it ever!  

I just breathed a huge sigh of relief when she fired.  I had terrible visions of us having to go back in because we'd missed something.  I think this mostly comes down to the lack of attention she received from the last owner.

Hopefully this means no more push starting!  That's how we had our first ( and hopefully last) crash.  I stopped to take a breath after running with her down the alley, and she leaned away from me.  I slid into her while trying to stop her from going down on the gravel, and still have bruises to prove it.  

Hey,.. if anyone might be interested, I could post the steps that we used to fabricate her "new" choke cable...
Title: Help! Where does this go?
Post by: Red01 on May 24, 2005, 02:19:05 AM
Quote from: "stormi"
Hey,.. if anyone might be interested, I could post the steps that we used to fabricate her "new" choke cable...

By all means!  :bigok:  :beers:
Title: As promised :)
Post by: stormi on May 26, 2005, 04:34:46 AM
I've posted the how-to,.. ( How-to: Make a choke cable for a B4 (Warning 8 low-res imgs))

is there a good place for me to upload images to?  We're moving in July, and so our server will be down for a little bit, and the pics will go away otherwise.
Title: Help! Where does this go?
Post by: Red01 on May 26, 2005, 08:49:51 PM
From the "IMAGES in posts on this board...PLEASE READ!" ( thread in the  BanditAlleyBBS FAQ section:

Free image hosting site links to store and post your photos:
Title: Help! Where does this go?
Post by: stormi on May 27, 2005, 12:59:18 AM
Quote from: "Red01"
From the "IMAGES in posts on this board...PLEASE READ!" ( thread in the  BanditAlleyBBS FAQ section:

Free image hosting site links to store and post your photos:

Hey thanks!  I must have missed that when I perused the FAQ before.  Changes to be made momentarily.