Author Topic: Help needed...  (Read 2658 times)

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Help needed...
« on: May 15, 2010, 01:57:55 PM »
Hi im new-ish to this forum but I could do with some help...

So on monday my new bandit 400 was delivered. I have since ridden about 60 miles (clocks still in km so im not sure) and was on my way home yesterday and the bike cuts out. Its turning over but wont restart, and yes there is petrol in it. Someone came out to help but it started again, they followed me home. On the way I could feel the revs dropping off when I was idleing, I had to keep the throttle open to stop it from cutting out again. This was unsuccessful, it wouldnt start up againand my new bike came home in the back of a van.

Now its home but wont start at all, has anyone else had this?

Thinking it could be the choke isnt relaxing properly and it causing it to cut out and then flooding it but that doesnt explain why it wont start now? Also not sure if it was just because the idle was too low - ive got a restrictor kit in to limit it to 33bhp as I have a restricted UK licence - but again I cant explain why it wont start now!

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Re: Help needed...
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2010, 02:04:02 PM »
Jiggle the 12v wires going to the coils packs and the pickup (wire coming out of the motor on the left side). I'd bet $$$ one of those wires are breaking and causing your problem.

'91 GSF400
It's more fun to ride a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow.