Here they are:
Anyway, Do you think it might have been too rich? It had 105 main jets.
Depends on what your running (exhaust, airfilter, airbox, needles, etc) but from the factory the bike came with a 105 mj (or 102.5 somthing close 105). So it's probably close to alright. The old sparkers don't look too bad so i'd leave the mj alone for now.
It's just speculation, but from the sounds of what your describing it could be one of three things.
Either what Racerruss-ducati discribed in detial (air/fuel screw is out spec, has someone already drilled out the brass plug over the air fuel screws?)
or your float hieght (fuel level) is out of wack. What did you set your float hight at? When you had the carb apart did you check the o-rings on the floats? If gas seeps past those your fuel level in the float bowl will go up causing richness at idle.
or your needles are raised too high, are you needles adjustable? are they shimmed?
As an example, here's my setup:
Yosh exhaust, modified airbox, k&n airfilter, dynojet needles
105 mj
Center needle clip
15mm float hight
2.5 turns out.