Author Topic: Need some answers. any help appreciated.  (Read 10872 times)

Offline heretic

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Need some answers. any help appreciated.
« on: March 05, 2005, 07:46:13 AM »
Hey all, now that the board is up again, I can get my bandit fix..


I've had the bike for a week or so now, and so, on Friday (thats the weekend here) took it for a spin go to the foothills of the mountains about 80km away.  Weather was amazing, light traffic and totally amazing.

So, I'm riding about 35 km out, when my bike starts acting funny.  The speed starts going down as if the bike is struggling to keep up.  My calves start to feel slightly warm, but I  chalk that up to general heat, and the speedo goes from 120k to 100k, revs going down too till it holds steady at 6000rpm.  This is wierd..  (my mind is telling me to stop) but I figure its because the road is going slightly up, so I shift one down into 5th and give it some more gas.  The revs go up to 8000 but the speedo is still stuck at 100k.

I figure somethings wrong with the throttle so I let go and give it gas again, no dice.  So I stop by the side of the road for a few minutes.  Start her up and she's going well again.

Another 20km down the road, she's starting to act funny again, and suddenly the bike cuts off.  So, I pull over, check the gas, doesnt seem to be much, so I hide the bike and hitch a lift to the nearest gas station.  Back in 30min with a bottle of gas, and fill her up.  She starts ok, until she gets about 1km down the road where she stops dead..

I try to start her, but three tries later, the battery is dead.  So I'm stuck in between two towns, on LEVEL road, in the middle of nowhere.  Call up a friend, who suggests I try to push start her.  Have you tried doing that on LEVEL road..?  45 min later, I give up, hide the bike again and hike it to the nearest town, find a mechanic and wait till he finishes lunch.  Finally two hours later he comes with me, gets the bike onto his truck and off we go, me and him sitting in the back holding the bike (with brakes) while his son drives.

Back at the shop he tells me that, the bike overheated.  Check all fluid levels (theyre full) and checks the radiator fan, doesnt seem to work.  So what he does is bypass the temperature switch so that the fan always runs.  He tells me that should get me back home at least so that my regular mechanic can look at it.  Also he tells me the battery is the wrong type for the bike.  He says its a bike battery but since these babies dont have a kick starter, they have more powerful batteries than usual.

So, I'm coming back slowly (not overspeeding) and stop for a second.  Now, as soon as I turn the key, the fan starts up, since he's bypassed the temperature switch.  10 seconds later, I try to start her, and she doesnt start.  Luckily I was at the top of a ramp, so brought her to the end, put her in first, and popped the clutch while I was halfway down.  She started and I came home without any stops.

Questions I have are.

1)  If the bike overheated, why didnt the temperature warning light come on..? (It comes on when you start the bike)
2)  Even if the fan wasnt running, I think 100kmph speed should give sufficient airflow to the radiator for the engine to stay cool.  Shouldnt it..?
3)  I think the heat might have messed up the alternator, but I have to check that, to see if the battery is charging..  I dont think that running the fan for 10 min off the battery could have caused it to go dry.  Or could it..?
4)  He's told me to replace the temperature switch.  It's a cylindrical thing that has a wire come out of it next to the radiator cap.  This I will do.

My overall question to anyone who may be able to look at this is..  Is there much more serious problem with the bike..?  It runs like butter usually, and buzzes like the most amazing bee I've heard otherwise.


Offline Red01

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Need some answers. any help appreciated.
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2005, 08:51:19 AM »
I'm not a B4 expert, so if someone has something better, go with that.

I'm thinking if the temp sensor is bad enough to not switch the fan on, then it might be bad enough to not trip the light when it gets hot. Unless, of course, there's a second temp sensor that controls the light.

100 kph might not be fast enough to keep it cool without the fan if it is hot outside.

Since it overheated, I'd look at an oil change and fresh oil filter, too.

As I was reading your post, at first it was sounding like you might have a clogged fuel vent, but as I read further, that didn't seem as likely. Still might want to look into that, too, just in case it was contributing to the way it was running. Simple enough to do.
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Re: Need some answers. any help appreciated.
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2005, 09:33:24 AM »
Quote from: "heretic"

Questions I have are.

1)  If the bike overheated, why didnt the temperature warning light come on..? (It comes on when you start the bike)
2)  Even if the fan wasnt running, I think 100kmph speed should give sufficient airflow to the radiator for the engine to stay cool.  Shouldnt it..?
3)  I think the heat might have messed up the alternator, but I have to check that, to see if the battery is charging..  I dont think that running the fan for 10 min off the battery could have caused it to go dry.  Or could it..?
4)  He's told me to replace the temperature switch.  It's a cylindrical thing that has a wire come out of it next to the radiator cap.  This I will do.


Yes it would have if it light up when you put key in it works.

the fan is for when you sit in traffic and and idle , air is good is that like somewhere around 60mph

Is battery dry as in no electrolite? confussed on the the 3rd one?

temp switch i have one i think I will send you the whole thermostate housing if you need with switches.
1988 gsxr 400 sp (sprint bike)
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B4 grounded - sad sight.. :(
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2005, 09:41:11 AM »
First of all, thanks for answering and listening to my whole story.

When I say battery is dry I mean, its got no power.  The mechanic who fixed it bypassed the temperature switch that turns the fan on so that the radiator fan comes in the moment I turn the key.  It was on for 10 seconds while I put my helmet on and the bike wouldnt start after that.  I dont think its possible for the fan running for 10 seconds to drain the battery of all power.

If the fan is for when you sit in traffic and idle, then I'm worried why the bike overheated when I was riding at 100kph.  It should have had enough airflow through the radiator.

Could it be because the alternator is not charging the battery..?  I dont know if thats enough to make the bike stop suddenly.


Offline Red01

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« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2005, 09:58:26 AM »
Could be the radiator is clogged - or some other passages... especially if the bike has old antifreeze or no antifreeze (now, or in the past). Plain water is hell on aluminum and will help it corrode, which will cause you these kinds of problems.

(Just another reason I prefer the bigger Bandit's air/oil cooling over "modern" water cooled lumps)
2001 GSF1200S
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« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2005, 10:05:38 AM »
Could be the radiator is clogged, thats one thing that I thought could have happened.

Me personally, would prefer oil/air cooled bikes, but whats a newbie to do when your fave bike comes only in watercooled flavor..?


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Re: B4 grounded - sad sight.. :(
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2005, 10:07:38 AM »
Quote from: "heretic"
First of all, thanks for answering and listening to my whole story.

When I say battery is dry I mean, its got no power.  The mechanic who fixed it bypassed the temperature switch that turns the fan on so that the radiator fan comes in the moment I turn the key.  It was on for 10 seconds while I put my helmet on and the bike wouldnt start after that.  I dont think its possible for the fan running for 10 seconds to drain the battery of all power.

If the fan is for when you sit in traffic and idle, then I'm worried why the bike overheated when I was riding at 100kph.  It should have had enough airflow through the radiator.

Could it be because the alternator is not charging the battery..?  I dont know if thats enough to make the bike stop suddenly.


Charging problem , i have used parts that work if needed figure out if stator or flywheel or reg rec.

Did it really over heat ? coolant bubbled out and all that good stuff you could hear it boiling when you hide, or parked the bike? if the battery dies while riding yes, tac usually does funny thing when battery gets low.
1988 gsxr 400 sp (sprint bike)
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« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2005, 10:18:17 AM »
Well racer, to be honest, coolant didnt bubble out, steam or anything.  When I was trying to park the bike, I didnt hear any bubbling sounds, even the radiator didnt feel that hot.

Maybe its a clogged radiator, now that Red mentioned it.  That could cause the bike to overheat without the coolant actually bubbling couldnt it..?  If the radiator was not getting any airflow, but the coolant was fine, then the coolant would overheat as well.


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Need some answers. any help appreciated.
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2005, 10:27:28 AM »
I dont personally think it over heated at all , or is clogged . i think battery voltage is why you died . the mech prob thought you have some safety sensor that shuts the bike off when to hot . IT aint no briggs and stratton.
1988 gsxr 400 sp (sprint bike)
*  SELLER OF THE 442CC BIG BORE PISTON KIT FOR THE BANDIT 400,GSXR400, GK73 and 76.* And carb kits(orings)too. Email me from here.
has been a wera expert #610 lol

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« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2005, 10:31:14 AM »
Well racer, to be honest, I did consider the battery, but I dont know the mechanics of why it shuts off the bike..

I mean, if the battery is dead, I can push start it to get it going again, so I know that it runs without the battery having a lot of charge.

This experience has been good, I've found out a lot about my bike, and what goes on at my groin when I'm having fun..

Oops, wrong thread..


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Need some answers. any help appreciated.
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2005, 10:36:57 AM »
yes if it has some voltage it will run by push starting then the bat gets so low that it wont run and shuts off or its a coil going bad hence the loosing power cause it running on less than 4 cylinders if bat voltage gets low no enuff juice to fire plugs they will foul up. with carbon
1988 gsxr 400 sp (sprint bike)
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Need some answers. any help appreciated.
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2005, 10:38:07 AM »
email me if you need some parts or some more help later
1988 gsxr 400 sp (sprint bike)
*  SELLER OF THE 442CC BIG BORE PISTON KIT FOR THE BANDIT 400,GSXR400, GK73 and 76.* And carb kits(orings)too. Email me from here.
has been a wera expert #610 lol

Offline heretic

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Thanks for the help
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2005, 10:46:39 AM »
Well, thanks for all the help guys, I'm taking it to the mechanic to have it fixed.

Will post a note as soon as I can

Offline verdomde

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I think i recognise the problem
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2005, 05:18:51 PM »
Check this out. Sounds like your reg/ rec is busted.
Ciao :mrgreen:

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Need some answers. any help appreciated.
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2005, 05:45:57 PM »
Damn - good link.  Lots of info!  Thanks!
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