Author Topic: Rear caliper seals  (Read 3354 times)

Offline echomadman

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Rear caliper seals
« on: April 19, 2005, 09:39:55 AM »
Anyone got part numbers for these handy?, i have 2 rear calipers at home that need rebuilding (probably 3 when i get round to checking the SV's one).
I need the dust and piston seals

I also read on another forum about replacing the pins with allen headed stainless bolts so i'm going to give that a go,
(the one the breakers yard sent me was in as bad a shape as the original except teh pins were missing instead of siezed into the caliper body :roll: )

everything will be reassembled with liberal quantities of grease and anti-sieze to sve me or any future owners of the calipers from grief
1990 GSF250 Bandit (currently getting a gsxr400 engine transplant,
2000 SV650S

Offline echomadman

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Rear caliper seals
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2005, 11:17:08 AM »
here's the info on replacing the pins with bolts, from another forum.
for the front brakes it,s dead easy. go to a good engineer,s merchant or fastener supplier an get enough Question m6 stainless steel socket caps (allen
bolts) about 80mm long. cut them to length, leaving the allen head on. drill the hole for the
"R" clip,which is the hardest part, thoroughly de-burr and taper end slightly
and thats it. when it,s time to remove them, just stick an allen key in and twiddle and out it pops. the rear one is more difficult as the pins are 5.5mm dia. so the caliper needs drilling to 6mm.
1990 GSF250 Bandit (currently getting a gsxr400 engine transplant,
2000 SV650S

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Rear caliper seals
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2005, 09:06:11 PM »
try these 59107-18410 6910832b00
1988 gsxr 400 sp (sprint bike)
*  SELLER OF THE 442CC BIG BORE PISTON KIT FOR THE BANDIT 400,GSXR400, GK73 and 76.* And carb kits(orings)too. Email me from here.
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