Bandit Alley
MODEL SPECIFIC => SUZUKI BANDIT 250 & 400 => Topic started by: millsi1 on June 15, 2005, 06:42:07 PM
Went to start the bike, turns over twice in the normal fashion then backfires wtf?? then when i pushed the starter again it was turning over but with a totally different sound!!!wtf? tryed to push start it 6 times and it didnt even fire once.
any ideas??
i'd start with checking the easiest - fuel and vacuum lines
then the battery voltage
then the plugs - they tell you everything
Hopefully its not the black box, its notorious to go bad.
Luckily I can get a brand new black box here for approx US$280.
well i remembered that i had added a little metho to the tank to absorb any water that may be in there. took off the airbox lid and sprayed some aerostart in...took ages and more aero start but finnally got it going. started fine this morning (7 degrees). and was fine on the way to work if running a little rough.