Bandit Alley
MODEL SPECIFIC => SUZUKI BANDIT 250 & 400 => Topic started by: PitterB4 on March 13, 2005, 02:57:07 PM
Well, since we lost the old winter mods thread, I thought I'd start a new one.... especially since I have mine all back together and had a chance to take some pics...
So far, I have:
- Installed a B12 shock
- Forks serviced
- New hoops
- New M4 TI can
- Hugger-ectomy with a modified GS500 chainguard
- Painted my rims
- Polished my peg brackets
- Lots of cleaning
- Some other stuff I can't think of right now.
- Still need to swap all the fluids out.
Today, I finally got to fire it up with the new can. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! Still a good throaty sound but not ear-splitting like the D&D. I'm also real happy with the chainguard. The black rims look kick-ass IMHO.
The evidence:
Post up with yours!
Dang Rob, thats a pretty bike!
I see you got the GS500E chain guard to fit finally, what'd you have to do? I like that better than the integrated one. Not sure if I want to loose my hugger though, seems like it'd fling a ton more water/dirt all over the battery compartment. I think I'm missing a piece of plastic somewhere...
Question on your rear plastics, I can't see the assembly seams. Is it just the angle, or did the previous owner bond them together and fill the cracks with body filler before painting? I'm considering doing that myself, the smooth look is nice.
Those peg supports polished nice...
Hope you don't mind I'm taking notes. :grin:
So far I've done nothing to my bike. It's in the garage, in the process of getting it there we slipped and fell on some ice, I banged my knee up pretty good, but managed to lay the bike down real-soft-like. No damage to the bike, although my knee is all swollen.
I plan on getting the GSXR USD forks on it before the riding season, new tires, a paint job, the 33mm carbs installed, a GSXR swingarm/shock, and the Accel ignition coils (mine are a bit rough, one tests as 'bad' when the manual procedure is followed). I'm also hoping to swap in the '91 motor so I can rebuild the '93, but thats depending on if the '91 will turn over. Definatly new sprockets, one tooth larger I think on the rear. Of course new brake pads and stainless steel lines for such.
I'm gonna start disassembly next week I hope, I'm waiting for my digital camera to get here. I want to take pictures so I know how to put it back together.
Thanks M. See this ( thread for the chainguard saga. Yeah - sounds like you are missing the rubber sheet thing that protects the bat box. #3 below in this ( schematic.
Nope - my rear plastics are as stock, in several pieces. Must just be the angle. That would look nice all smooth. Mine don't meet up very well, either.
You better get working - riding season will be here soon! I actually took a spin today. Nice! That sux about your knee. Have fun!
Looking good my friend
Looks good...particularly the can. Did you enjoy the B12 shock? and you'll have to let us know how the paint job holds up on the wheels. Paint looks good and is lighter than powdercoat but I wonder about the longevity.
Thanks, Chris.
JC - It was cold, there was gravel everywhere and I had new tires (a VERY slippery combination) so I wasn't too adventurous yesterday but the shock felt good. Much smoother.
Paint? I'm not thrilled with it. The front got kinda bitched-up getting the new tire on. I may eventually get them powdered. I'll let youu know how they hold up otherwise.
I'm not sure about where you live, but I know in my area powder coating has dropped in price substantially. A friend of mine got his rims powder coated at the cost of $40 cdn a rim. And they look amazing.
do you guys only get a single disc front in the states??
oh the bike loooks a treat!!!!!
Yep, we only get one disk here in the US :sad:
Still 4 feet of F@#KING snow on the ground here :sad:
I'm glad you like the M4. I haven't done any new mods over the winter, but I am one or two weeks from having the webcams installed and knowing what they did for me.
Damn - for $40CND/wheel, I should drive my wheels to Toronto! I checked around here a little and they wanted $100/wheel.
Chris - what's your riding season up there - the month of July??? :wink:
Tim - you'll definitely need to post up about your cam swap!
We had an above normal winter this year, Haven't had this much snow since 96. Normally I try to shoot for the 2 weekend in April. Most of the snow is normally gone by then. This year we may very well have snow in June LMAO. It's good riding up till the end of Sept. then It get a little chilly
If ya feel like a drive here is the website for the powder coating place. It was actually $45 cdn a wheel. Still cheep:
Snow in T.O. is all but gone. A couple more good rains to get the sand off the roads and I'll be taking the bike out. Finally.
Just an update. Went for a little longer, little more aggressive ride today. Man, between the good fork seals and the b12 shock, a much better ride. I really think I'll like the new shock.
I also put on a spare airbox I bought and punched some holes in. It seems to help the top end but made my flatspot worse and moved it up in the revs a little - around 6k now. I gotta raise my needles before the next ride.
God, I'm glad spring's almost here!
IMHO, the bike will look even better if you powder coat the frame black.
IMHO, the bike will look even better if you powder coat the frame black.
Yeah - that would look great. My frame kills me. The rest of the bike is pretty clean but the frame is all chipped to hell. Maybe next winter I'll get real well aquainted to the powdercoater....
I gotta disagree... IMHO, a black frame would look ordinary.
Until recently (last deacde or so), bikes almost always had black frames. Lately silver (aluminum) frames have been pretty norm, as have body colored frames (like the B6/B12). While black will go with just about any color you could ever choose to paint the bike's bodywork, the red frame and silver bodywork makes your bike stand out in a crowd, something I think would be lost with a black (or matching color) frame.
I have got to agree with Paul. If your going to powder coat it I would do It red again. That bike really stands out
I've told you before how attractive I thought the red and silver are. Fresh red powdercoat sounds good.
Last update.... raised my needles and took it for another spin. 40 degrees out and NO flatspot. The bike is positively jumpin'! Woo hoo. :banana:
Here is a silver bandit with black frame and red rims, I prefer this combination.
Holly windscreen and ape hangers batman... first time I've seen a b4 with a touring package.
Here is a silver bandit with black frame and red rims, I prefer this combination.
That doesn't look too bad since it's dressed up as a sport-tourer.
IMHO, the red wheels look out of place, though.
I still think the red frame gives it a sportier look.