Author Topic: Aftermarket exhaust bonanza/slipons, etc  (Read 16245 times)

Offline Red01

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Aftermarket exhaust bonanza/slipons, etc
« on: March 11, 2005, 11:40:18 PM »
D and D Exhaust question
Q: I need some help!! I purchased a D&D Slip-on and it never came with the mid pipe. Does anyone know were you would find one, or should I just goto a muffler shop and have one made.

(8/20/04 1:04 am)
Re: D and D Exhaust question

Was it supposed to come with a mid-pipe? If it was listed as applicable for a B6, it should have since the B6's muffler and mid-pipe are more or less a one-piece assy.

Is it a true slip-on, or does it have a bolt-on flange?

If it is a slip-on, you can just cut your stock muffler off and slip it on.

If it is a bolt-on, you can pick up a used mid-pipe from a B12 of the generation for which you ordered the D&D can.

I'm sure a muffler shop could bend you up a mid-pipe and even put a flange on it, but getting a highly polished stainless steel finish equal to the stock stuff might be more difficult for them, so you would need to get the mid-pipe coated in some kind of ceramic coating to keep it looking good... and that would run the bill up.

BTW Welcome to the site!  
Paul W
(8/20/04 7:54 am)
Re: RE:D and D Exhaust question

It is a true slip on. I checked abotu getting one from a different vendor and ask to make sure it came with the midpipe. It don't. He also told me I would have to call D & D to get it as he can't get it himself. I called D & D and they want 94.00 plus shipping. Does anyone know what other midpipe would fit it. I found a Hindle midpipe on Dennis Kirk for 69.99. Would that fit.
Also, incase I forgot to mention. This is a 2000 Bandit 600s

(8/20/04 11:05 am)
Re: RE:D and D Exhaust question

Holeshot comes with a midpipe. I think the D & D may be a little louder, but not sure. My Holeshot 14" comp is fairly loud, but not annoying.

Kevin R
(8/20/04 6:10 pm)
Re: RE:D and D Exhaust question

Why not just cut your stock can off of the mid-pipe then?
If you don't have anything to cut stainless with, your local muffler shop could do that for you easily.

It would mean there's no going back to stock though...
(Unless you bought another can/mid-pipe.)

Paul W
(8/20/04 6:43 pm)
Re: RE:D and D Exhaust question

I though about cutting the old one off but the stock pipe is about 1/2 or more bigger dia. I just found a midpipe made by hindle. Trying to figure if it's the same now.

Two Bros slip-on install problems...
Hi gang

I am putting our bandit back together and tried bolting on the new twobros Ti slip-on and ran into a major problem.

It comes with a 'Y' adapter bracket that bolts to the stock bottom bolt of the passenger footpeg and the muffler bracket while the 3rd supposedly attaches to the top of the passenger footpeg assembly.

But, our 98 has both peg brackets welded to the frame. Seems like my only option is to tap and drill into the peg mount and slide a bolt thru and tighten up that way.

The pic they have in the instructions is of a 2000 bandit 600. They claim their system is a bolt on for 95-2002 bandit 600. When I called and talked to them, they insist my bike has been modified and the pegs bracket welded to the frame since they have never heard of this problem.

Anyone else run into this or is our bike at fault?

(8/3/04 5:29 pm)
Re: Two Bros slip-on install problems...

Someone at 2Bros doesn't know the Bandits that well. All the 1G B6's have welded on passenger pegs, the 2G's do bolt on, and so do the pass. pegs on both 1G & 2G B12's.

So you're right, you'll have to do a little mod work to the bike of the bracket to make it work on yours.

Paul W
(8/3/04 7:30 pm)
Well...that explains it

I shouldnt have to mod it to fit my bike. Indy said its bolt-on. It should work, but it does not. This is a crock of dogshit, I tell ya!

They better take it back, the rat bastards! They better do me right, else I am going to declare jihad on indy and twobros. I will dispute the charge with my CC.  
(8/3/04 7:43 pm)
Re: Well...that explains it

True dat!
You shouldn't have to adapt it.
They should take it back for a full refund.

All the s/o's I've seen just use a clamp that bolts to the footpeg bracket and don't need any extra strap.

Paul W
(8/3/04 10:21 pm)
Reason for brace

They make the mid pipe longer and set the muffler higher up and a llitle inverted. This is apparently for more ground clearance. So, the brace is used to extend the mounting position from the peg to the muffler. Hope I am making sense.

I emailed twobros and indy saying its shipping back to Indy tomorrow and they better find me a replacement and ship for free, else I want a refund.

Thanks for listening and helping out!

Scorpion Exhaust
Does anyone have Scorpion exhaust on their Bravo 6?
How does it sound from a take off and at highway speeds?
(4/3/04 10:03 am)
Re:  Scorpion

No Scorpion here, but the Holeshot system awesome! I have a 17" street core can with a Stage 1 Jet kit.
(4/23/04 5:11 pm)
Re: Scorpion can

I have a Scorpion carbon race can on a full stainless system,it sounds awesome!!!!!
(5/12/04 11:33 am)
Center stand bumper stop

With Scorpion exhaust did it come with that little bumper stop like the stock exhaust did. So when the center stand flips up it has something to rest agaist in the up position?
(5/14/04 12:48 am)
I've finally decided

Ok ok enough is enough!!!

I have decided on getting Scorpion exhaust s/o for my 01 b6 but I wanted to know if I could get away with stock carb setting for the time being! I plan on getting Ivans jetting kit but I I don't have the extra money right now but it's mostly time to do it all. I'm working 6 days a week now. I want to wait untill the late fall early winter to pull all the carbs, clean, float level check, senk and install the ivan kit. This will be my first time pulling carbs of any kind so I want to take my time and do a good job the first time. I don't want to take up a good riding day working the bike if decide to do it now!
thank you for any help!
(5/14/04 10:06 am)

Manny what do you think can I get away with for little while untill I get to pull the carbs and put the ivan jet kit in?
(5/16/04 6:27 pm)

I ran my B6 with a yosh slip on for about a month before getting the jet kit installed or carbs adjusted. It ran fine, minor backfiring alot decelerating from about 7k to 5k. It still backfires from 8k down but not as loud.

2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline Red01

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Holeshot Exhaust
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2005, 11:41:09 PM »
Holeshot Exhaust
Currently I have a 02 B600 with a Holeshot 17" street core and a stage 1 jet kit. The bike runs so much better, and definitely sounds better. I am thinking of putting a 14" comp on it to make it sound louder, does anyone have the 14" comp, and how does it sound? Thanks..........
Kevin R
(4/18/04 11:13 pm)
Re: Holeshot exhaust

Take your 17" street core can off and run the bike.  
It's not quite that loud, and the raspyness is settled slightly, but it's closer to that than your 17" street core.  

Actually, they sound pretty nice, and I think they look better short like that. After hearing one (on a 1200), I wouldn't want it for long trips. Playing around a few hours at a time (away from LEO's) would be OK... and in that case, I'd go with the high pipe version. If I wasn't worried about my job, I would consider a 14" high pipe for solo day trippin' and keep my 17" street core on it's standard midpipe around for two-up and trips.

Paul W
(4/19/04 7:07 am)
Re: Holeshot exhaust

Thanks Paul. Would the 14" just be too loud for a trip, that is the problem? What do you have on your B12?
Kevin R
(4/19/04 6:41 pm)
Re: Holeshot exhaust

I have the 17" street core. The 17" comp core is a little louder and the 14" is louder than that. Maybe it's my older age, or past experiences (like a RD350 with expansion chambers or a CJ-5 with fenderwell headers and shorty mufflers that exited in front of the back tires - and under my ears), but I find, even with earplugs, loud pipes get a bit nerve grating to listen to under your ear all day long, day in and day out. It's a little easier to live with when you're riding routes that have you changing rpm a lot, but near stready state droning gets old after a while... and that was the main reason I chose the street core. Dale didn't have the 21" touring core out when I bought mine, but I saw one on a B6 the other day, it was parked so I couldn't hear it, but I thought the 21" can looked funky being so long.

Paul W
(4/19/04 9:45 pm)
Re: Holeshot exhaust

I am going to try the 14" comp 1 from Dale. I think that I will keep my 17" street core, just in case I start touring and want a quieter type can. I am sure that it will come with the mid pipe, so I will have two...until I can make up my mind. Maybe once I decide I will sell the other pipe on this BBS. I think that I will like the looks of the shorter pipe, and the sound too. I say this because I love how the street core sounds when the RPM's get up there. Watch me really just need the 17" comp..............right? Oh well, just ordered the 14" today, I will let you know how it goes.
Kevin R
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline Red01

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Looking for a new exhaust for my 2002 Bandit 600-S
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2005, 11:41:50 PM »
Looking for a new exhaust for my 2002 Bandit 600-S
I'm looking for a better sounding exhaust to put on my bike. It's a 2002 Suzuki Bandit 600-S. Looking for something that's a little deeper when you rev the engine. Right now, it's a little too high pitched sounding for me. Any suggestions?

Also, is this something that I can do myself? I'm pretty handy, but by far, I'm no professional mechanic. Is it as simple as unbolting the old one and rebolting the new exhaust on? Or is it more involved than that?

Thanks for any help!
(2/6/03 1:52 pm)
Re: Looking for a new exhaust for my 2002 Bandit 600-S

Try Holeshot. Any of the cans should be a simple matter of removing the stock stuff and replacing it with the lighter, better sounding stuff.

Paul W

(2/7/03 12:56 am)
Re: Looking for a new exhaust for my 2002 Bandit 600-S

I'll second Paul's recommendation.. mine is only 2 months old.

WWBOC #2012
2001 600S
Zero Gravity ST Windshield, Holeshot 17" Street Slip On, OEM Case Guard

(7/21/03 12:02 pm)
Re: Looking for a new exhaust for my 2002 Bandit 600-S

I went with the micron slip on. I have an 03 b6 and this is my first bike. The installation took about 40min and I had no idea what I was doing before I installed it. I'm very happy with the sound and performance, if you want I can make a recording of the pipe. Just email me <a href=""></a>
(7/28/03 12:21 pm)
Re: Looking for a new exhaust for my 2002 Bandit 600-S

There is some sound clips for the bike at and also (D&D exhaust) and
B6 Steve
(8/26/03 10:53 am)
Re: Looking for a new exhaust for my 2002 Bandit 600-S

If you're looking a deep tone, you could try an Art can like mine. It has a real low bass tone on tickover that rises to an awesome howl up the rev range. Very loud, very illegal but very cool.
(9/1/03 1:29 am)
Re: Looking for a new exhaust for my 2002 Bandit 600-S

My Holeshot Stage 1, 5°Timing Advancer, and 17" Street core are on they're way. I'll let you know how it turns out as soon as I install them.
It's good to be free!
(9/27/03 11:20 am)

I put an Akrapovic slip on on my B6Y, sounds lovely!

Minor issues during fitting were a rusty bolt on the collector box clamp, i replaced it with a 12mm head M6x75mm bolt from "the nuts and bolts box" in the garage. I'd also recommend getting a new collector box gasket, using the old one didn't work for me and blew like hell!

Another point is that the "up" position stop for the centre stand is on the stock exhaust, so you lose that. I might try and mock one up and fit it to the same mount points as the hugger.
(9/28/03 3:04 am)
Re: -

The Holeshot standard mount systems have a stop for the center stand. The Holeshot high mount systems do not have a center stand mount and Dale recommends center stand removal, but if you want to keep the centerstand with the high mount, he has an optional stop mount available. He figures most folks looking for a high mount setup will be doing it for max cornering clearance, so they would delete the center stand and that's why it's not included as part of the high mount setup.

Paul W
(1/2/04 2:15 pm)

I agree with Steve ... ART can's sounds ace, especially finished in Carbon Fibre, makes for a nice crisp and loud sound.
(2/3/04 12:48 am)

I got a D&D and love it. about 200 bones from It screams bloody murder and has a nice tone at idle.

2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline Red01

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Yoshimura exhaust
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2005, 11:43:10 PM »
Yoshimura exhaust on 96 Bandit
 Does anyone know if the Yoshimura RS-3 Exhaust will fit on a 96 B600? Also, does the B1200 have the same mounting brackets for exhaust? I can find numerous sources for yoshi pipes for 1200's of all years, but not 600's .
Thanks for any help!
(6/8/03 1:41 am)
Re: Yoshimura exhaust on 96 Bandit

 I don't think the mounting brackets are in the same spot on the B6 & B12, but most aftermarket exhausts don't have the tab fixed on the can, but use a band clamp that'll mount anywhere. At least with the Holeshot cans, the same can & midpipe is used for both B6 and B12, so a B12 s/o from Yosh should work on a B6. But I'm not making a guarantee.  
Paul W
(6/8/03 10:25 am)
Re: Yoshimura exhaust on 96 Bandit

Bantana has a Yosh can on his 96 600....sounds good...not loud. maybe he'll pop in and tell what model
(6/8/03 11:09 pm)
Re: Yoshimura exhaust on 96 Bandit

 I have a Zyclone not an RS-3 on my 02 B6 but it is designed for the 96-98 according to the packaging. The pictures I found of yosh pipes while researching this particular pipe (my zyclone), all of the b12 yosh's are the can only and do not include a midpipe. The b6 has the midpipe welded to the muffler and the b12 has the midpipe bolted (feel free to correct me here if I'm wrong Paul). I don't remember the site that had really good pictures of this but it was out there. I would at least be nervous enough not to shell out the $400+ on an RS-3 before seeing one in the metal. I love the sound of my zyclone, it's not that quiet either, sometimes I wish it was a whole lot quieter. It's a straight shot through too, nothing slowing those hot gases down one bit. I would post a question on the b12 page or general page asking if anyone with a b12 has a yosh RS-3 pipe and if it included a midpipe and then go from there if you can't find an RS-3 for the b6, but I never did but I was looking for a post 2k. There are actually less pipes post 2k for b6 than pre 2k, stateside anyway. I found out the mounting points are still the same, some minor "adjusting and fitting" just needs to be done. Good luck and I hope you find what you want!

Joey Nine Toes
(6/9/03 3:09 am)
Re: Yoshimura exhaust on 96 Bandit

Hotdog Steve has a Zyclone on his B12 and it came with a mid-pipe.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline Red01

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« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2005, 11:48:10 PM »
Hey guys,

I'm new here and I had a question about slip on's. someone here was talking bout a Yosh slip on for a 2000 bandit. I thought they don't make them for 2000. I only found Holeshot, which I dont really want. D&D, which I got, quoted $250, and Jankin which is like $279. Can you guys help me out and let me know what you think?

2000 bandit
rockland county motorcycle
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(5/31/03 4:57 pm)
Re: slip-on 2000 B600

Hindle makes it for you, I have sold a bunch of them this year to B600 owners. Several choices on the mufflers too.


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Posts: 86
(6/1/03 10:16 am)
Re: slip-on 2000 B600

I have an 02 b6 and got a Yosh pipe that is designed for the '96-98 b6, or so the packaging says, off of ebay. It was not a perfect "fit" to my bike, this is true. The changes I had to make were actually pretty minor; some material had to be removed from the band clamp to fit to the bike correctly. It was frustrating but I anger easily. It is loud if you get on the throttle like I have the habit of doing at times, just ask some of the guys at was at BOSS with. I'm very happy with the Yosh, it looks great and sounds good but is a tad loud for their quietest model. From everything I've everyheard, D&D exhuasts are just out and out loud. You're going to want a jet kit, or your carbs adjusted at a minimum after your pipe install. I've got Ivan's jet kit freshly installed. Took the bike for the first real test run yesterday. Don't know what I did without it before. It pulls much more cleanly from down low and throttle response is much better. My dealer installed it and adjusted it with an exhaust gas analyzer but no dyno so I'll probably take it to a dyno shop later and have it tuned again, I think there is a little more in there. I drove out to a nice rural twisty and wrung its neck good. Love the sound! One thing about my Yosh, it's high chrome shine from one end to the other, it's a beautiful pipe and about half the weight of stock. This is just my experience. I'm sure if you find something listed for a 2000+ b6 it will install in under 30min and you'll be just as happy with it as I am with my Yosh. If Ivan stands by the Hindle, I'm sure it's topnotch. I went with the Yosh because I got it for $130 with shipping. Good luck with the hunt!

Joey Nine Toes

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Posts: 15
(6/1/03 12:33 pm)
Re:slip on

Vance and Hines makes a slip on for it
Not sure what they cost it came on my bike from the dealer

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Posts: 8
(6/7/03 10:59 pm)
Question for Zoomy

You said you obtained an Yoshi for 96-99 bandit. That's what i'm looking for! Where did you get it and what model was it? If anyone else knows feel free to add your source.
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Posts: 107
(6/8/03 11:38 pm)
Re: Question for Zoomy

I lucked out and found it on ebay for $130 including shipping. I don't remember the company, it was a motorcycle shop, I'll look it up tomorrow and post it for you. Mine is a zyclone. They said it was new. When I got it, it was missing a mounting bolt and nut, and had a dent but that was on the bottom of the can and was small and can't be seen easily unless you lay on the ground. This is probably why it was on ebay. I'm not complaining in the least, that's a steal as far as I'm concerned. It's a high chrome finish and is just stunning. I couldn't find it anywhere online while I was bidding on it, so as to do research on it. I'm about 90% sure yosh doesn't make them anymore, or at least doesn't import them. If you can't find them stateside see if you can find something in europe, remember, the b6 is something close to the most popular bike over there. Good luck and I'll post that company name tomorrow.

Joey Nine Toes
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Posts: 17
(6/12/03 3:39 pm)
Re: slip ons

I am thinking of adding a slip on to my "96 b6. I am a rookie when it comes to mechanical so forgive my ignorance, but do they really just "slip on" and how difficult a job is it really. Also is it necessary to rejet the carbs and how hard is that.
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Posts: 116
(6/12/03 6:58 pm)
Re: slip ons

The slip-on couldn't be easier. Some nudging maybe required to break the old one loose but otherwise it's simple. Mine entailed six steps I think. I ran into some problems because mine wasn't designed specifically for my model year so some "minor" alterations of the band clamp were required. If not for that the whole job would have taken thirty minutes tops, and that's because I'm overly careful with a wrench and maintenance, comes from years of doing maintenance on nuclear related systems.

Joey Nine Toes
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Posts: 18
(6/13/03 3:02 pm)
Re:  slip ons.

So I am taking advice from someone who works on nuclear systems and goes by the name Joey Nine toes... I am glad that here in Newfoundland we do not have any Nuclear sites

Hall Monitor
Posts: 2137
(6/13/03 9:40 pm)
Re: Nuclear mechanics

He failed to mention the third eye and the arm growing out of his back.
Paul W

mystery poster
slip on

I've got a 00 B6 and I've went with a Scorpion slip on and topped it with a holeshot stage 1 and 5 degree timing advancer,greatest combo ive found,throaty without being annoying and the power difference is definatly noticeable...+ the pipe is guarenteed for life,dont go with a D & D, too loud and no power increase...pipe was about $265.00 shipped to my front door from cycle depot
another mystery post
New Pipe!

I got my D&D slip-on and I think it sounds great. It doesn't very raspy too me. It's definitely loud but it's not as raspy as I've heard alot of people claim. I rather like it. It also sounds very good at idle.
(4/16/03 9:35 am)
New Slip On!

 My new slip-on finally came in the mail today. It's a yoshimura for all you who've just tuned in. I've got a 02 b6 with no jet kit yet but will be getting an Ivan's at the beginning of the next month. I got the can on ebay for $230 including shipping. It was listed for a '95-98 bandit but according to all the help here should be the same for mine, and looks to be. I need a new gasket for the install and the shops were closed when I got home. After it's in, I'll let all my fellow b6'ers know how it works out. It is physically smaller than stock in diameter and looks just a little shorter but not much. Fit and finish is top notch. I'll keep you posted.

Joey Nine Toes
(4/16/03 4:38 pm)
Re: New Slip On!

Joey, let us know because im looking to do the same thing except with a supertrapp. thanks
(4/16/03 10:05 pm)
Sounds Great!

Its on, finally! Took much longer than it should've for two reasons. First, the bolts that were "included" were no were to be found, I don't think that was a problem with Yosh. Second, the band clamp the goes around the can to the rear foot pegs didn't have enough clearence and needed to be modified to get past the heel protectors. This was only time consuming because I lacked the adaquate tools for the modifications. Other than that, it was ultra simple. It requires you to get a new exhaust gasket, this cost me $20. I think it may have been possible to have gotten away with reusing the old one but I replaced it anyways. That was kind of a pain to get in as well but took far less time than the other items mentioned. Bottomline, looks great, sounds awesome . Can't say how it compares to anything else on a b6 but after BOSS we will know, so if sound is more important to any of you than anything else, wait a couple of weeks and I report my impressions. Best way I can describe the sound right now is that it is a lower and more "off beat". It doesn't backfire but it has that pop to it. It really rips up high. I haven't riden it yet, I finished later than planned and I have other things to do. I took a picture of the pipes side by side, but it got dark before I was done, so I'll get a finished pic tomorrow and post them both when I figure out how. More to follow...

Joey Nine Toes
(4/16/03 10:17 pm)

Almost forgot, Tacoman has a supertrapp. If you go to Techhelp section and go to the "Slip-on: Is there a difference with the b6?" topic, he talks about it. That's were I was trying to find out if the yosh would work with out letting anyone know about it so I wouldn't get out bid. I was trying to be vague but still get the information I needed to make a safe purchase. Ride safe.

Joey Nine Toes
(4/17/03 4:46 am)

Good thinking. Thanks for the help. I'm gonna go get me a Supertrapp! My Vance just doesnt cut it for me (not loud enough) so if anyone is intrested in it let me know. I'll be getting rid of it for short cash. Thanks again Joey.
(4/19/03 9:35 am)

I think it'll get me in trouble. Why? Cause I just can't help downshifting and gettin on the throttle. It sounds sooo sweet. The carbs do need to be adjusted and I'm going to see if I can get some knowledgeble friends with a float guage to do it. You can smell the gas in the exhuast and I now believe that popping sounding to be minor backfiring, not that it really bothers me, but it's not really good for the bike I'm sure, and my gas mileage is probable worse for it. I'll keep all you b6'ers posted. Keep the rubber side down.

Joey Nine Toes
(5/8/03 11:16 pm)
Re: Vance pipe

Hey poopooshanks, your Vance can came from a 2000+ B600?

Also how much are you asking for it if you still have it?
(5/27/03 2:57 pm)
Vance & Hines

 I was wondering if you still had the Vance and Hines pipe? If so, are you still selling it? I am interested.
(5/27/03 9:44 pm)
Re: Vance & Hines

Yea, I still have it.. right now it doesnt have any 'glass inside but I could always repack it for you. i does have a small scuff on the can but other than that it looks pretty good. pm me with a price and ill let you know. Oh by the way I live in Mass. so it would be shipped from here, that's unless you want to try to arrange some kind of "drop point". thanks
(5/27/03 10:35 pm)
I'm now in the jet set!

Well all, I've been jetted. It was starting to rain when I picked the bike up from the shop so I only took it for a small run, so initial impressions are only minior. It is definitely alot smoother. All that vibration is gone. If you don't know what I'm talking about, get an Ivan's jet kit and you'll understand. The throttle response is up too. My bike is quieter now though. The shop adjusted the carbs in and now it's not as loud as before, it still sounds... good... but it doesn't just rip, it won't wake the dead like before. It's probably better this way but I'll miss it all the same. It definitely has more pull in the mid but it's not monsterous, but I wasn't expecting that either. I was expecting more up top, and maybe it has it, but with the loss of noise it just might seem more tame, with better weather I'll take it out for a good thrashing, if the women lets me, after all, she gets back from being at sea for five months on thursday so I'll let her dictate my riding for awhile, like a week or so. I'll keep y'all posted.

Joey Nine Toes
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

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LOUDEST exhaust
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2005, 11:49:35 PM »
Loudest Exhaust?
Hi, I have a B6 and right now I have V&H slip on... it's NOT loud at all...

So my question is... What is the LOUDEST slipon on the market that i can buy?
Is there a HIGH MOUNT for V&H slip on?

Thank for the info..
iMPoRT GeeK  
(6/5/02 1:34 pm)
High Mount

I've only found 2 Company that makes HighMount for Bandit 600.
Holeshot and Devil

But does anyone know which is Louder?

Theres a MPEG fron on Devil but I dont have any sound/video file on the Holeshot... Can anyone make one or that already have one, Please post here and let me know how i can get it? U can email me if u want at
Thank You...

(6/5/02 11:53 pm)
Re: High Mount

Here's a link to a B12 w/high mount 14" Holeshot Comp can (Holeshot's loudest can)...
(Found this post on another Bandit BBS)


First held it at about 3k, then reved it shortly. The bike was cold, so it sounds a little rough at first (no choke).
The file is pretty bik (189kb) so be a little patient, you poor modem guys .
It was recorded with an HP Jornada during lunch break, so don't hold your breath about quality, but you'll get an idea about the sound!

Cheers, Andre

You can also hear a B12 with the 17" Holeshot Comp can drown out rock music in this Bandit video:

NOTE: The above links didn't transfer intact from the old board - Sorry :(

NOTE ABOUT THE NOTE: The links were old anyway, and the files were no longer at their respective sites when I tried to track them down... but the video of Mike Sitzer's B12 with the 17" Comp can can be found here (at least today):
In fact, there are several editions of Mike's videos at this link, along with other Bandit related videos.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline Red01

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Holeshot slipon without jetting
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2005, 12:01:29 AM »
Holeshot slipon without jetting
(7/26/01 7:25 pm)
Holeshot s/o w/o jetting

Just wondering if anyone has installed a Holeshot slip on without jetting the bike. I want to get the can, but not jet the bike right now due to labor costs (looks like about 250) and I already know my incompetence with carbs. I run 87 texaco or chevron, and even on hot days/WOT, it doesn't seem as lean as some people have said it is. Just bought a new pair of D205's, so its a few weeks out. Thanks all

Micah "...And if she had a set of wings man, I know she could fly..."
(7/27/01 1:39 am)
Re: Holeshot s/o w/o jetting

Hey Micah, mine is on w/o any jetting, or shimming of needles, or air box mods... just removed the stocker and installed the Holeshot... mine has never exhibited any lean characteristics either - and it even warms up quick.

Paul W

(7/27/01 8:02 am)
Re: Holeshot s/o w/o jetting

I ran my '99 B12 for (shudder) 1 and half years without re-jetting, after putting on a Vortex s/o.
It ran OK...but, after FINALLY having the jet kit installed....I wish I had done it much earlier!

(7/27/01 9:17 am)
Re: Holeshot s/o w/o jetting

I'm on a '01 B12, Holeshot s/o without jetting.
Been that way for about 3 months, no big deal, very minor things noticed. Engine does run stronger now.

But, I want to let that baby breathe. The performance exhaust opens up the exit, now I need to open up the intake, and let the engine do some heavy breathin'. I'm going with Holeshot Stage 2.

Everybody has their preferences and riding interests,
so make your bike = your bike.

I'm with Pete on some of the performance and add-on products, some make it much better. Just look around if its your thing, have fun doin' it. If not, save your money, ride stock and have fun, thats why you bought the bike, right. You'll know once you've ridden it awhile,
if the performance bug bites - you'll know.
(7/27/01 9:57 am)
Re: Holeshot s/o w/o jetting

Don't really know about the B6, but I have a Holeshot s/o
on my 2001 B12. It's been on for about 4 months now, and the only thing I did was reach inside that little hole in the airbox and pull out that small rubber "snorkle".
Believe it or not this made a noticable difference in performance and sound.
Got my Holeshot front header in yesterday and put it on last nite. Looks really good. Haven't fired it up yet (got to get neversieze for the bolts. Also got the stage 2 jet kit, but thats kinda involved, so it will wait till I'm seriously in the mood.

zooom zoom

2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline Red01

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Fast Larry's Exhaust Shootout
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2005, 12:14:04 AM »
Fast Larry & Katana John did a Bandit 1200 exhaust shoot-out on full systems (ie; atermarket can AND header).

Quote from: "FastLarry"
The Testing was done as fair as John and I could do a test and we were surprised at how close they were. This is what we ended up with and we hope that you enjoy our efforts. Thanks to everyone that contributed a pipe for testing, I will get them back to you as soon as posible. Allot of time went into all the testing and tunning here guys and gals. Carb tweeks were done between pipe changes and cool down time allowed with cooling fans and 10w30 QS Motor oil was used in both bikes. Temp gun was used to test when motor was about the same temperatures for runs. We ran 3 or 4 dyno runs per pipe in third gear and tweeked the carbs and took the best run for posting. Air / Fuel ratio's were checked and adjusted also. I hope I have answered all your questions. Testing on different dyno's and different climates will give you different results, these were our results...... Thanks, Katana John and FastLarry

Bike #1 is a 99 Bandit 1200, Holeshot Stage I Jet Kit, Ignition Advancer
Bike #2 is a Modified 01 Bandit 1200, Pistons, FlatSlides, Cams, HeadWork, etc.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS