Author Topic: Drilling out plugs on mixture screws  (Read 11954 times)

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Drilling out plugs on mixture screws
« on: March 11, 2005, 10:44:54 PM »
Drilling out plugs on mixture screws
(3/23/04 7:55 pm)
plugged mix screws

 I was reading oldskool and came across a how-to about the US GSXR have plugged mixture screws to prevent tampering. I was wondering if this applied to B12's as well.
(3/23/04 9:14 pm)
Re: plugged mix screws

 Yes, it applies to all US bikes with carbs... EPA rules to prevent tampering with emissions settings.

Paul W

(3/23/04 9:28 pm)
Re: plugged mix screws

 so removing these plugs, to get access to the screws would be helpful in tuning, correct?
(3/23/04 9:57 pm)
Re: plugged mix screws

 Absolutely! Just be very careful when drilling the plugs out that you stop the instant the drill breaks thru or you'll damage the screw heads under those caps.

Paul W

(3/24/04 9:22 am)
Re: plugged mix screws

 What size drill bit? Do you drill it out completely of just make a pilot hole so you can thread a scew to pop the plug out?

(3/24/04 3:33 pm)
drill bit size

 Most of the directions I've seen require a 1/8" drill bit. Its probably the one not in your tool box. 1/8 bits are common and small enough to break easy.
(3/24/04 3:43 pm)
Re: drill bit size

 hey B12, check out, under the seven/eleven section, scroll down and i believe the entire write up and pics are under the how to section.
(3/24/04 6:55 pm)
Re: drill bit size

 A small hole and screw will work, but I found that my plugs came out just by cocking the drill bit.

Paul W

(3/24/04 9:05 pm)
Re: drill bit size

 When I installed my Stage 1 jet kit, I wrapped a small piece of masking tape around the end of the drill bit about 1/4" from the tip of the bit, and used that as a guage so the bit wouldn't go in far enough to damage the A/F mixture screws. I think I used an 1/8" bit.


(4/5/04 6:12 pm)
Re: drill bit size

 Prick punch the center of the plug to keep the drill from walking and start with a 1/8 as suggested. Take it easy with the drill, especially before you have formed the beginings of a hole. don't be surprised if they don't come put. If they give you a fight use a progresively larger drill untill you can peel them out with a small pick. Remember your mixture screws are behind the plug so go easywith the drill till you get the hang of things.
(4/6/04 12:54 pm)
mix screw caps

 I'm trying to do the same thing with my B6. I think I'm going to wait untill I get

I've heard that the B6 01 comes from factory on the lean side
which is like 1 and 3/4 turns. How can I go about finding a good setting for my bike. I'm just getting into biking and Mech side of it. I'm really fired up to learn how to get my bike to run at it's best!

FreediverGA OUT
(4/6/04 1:36 pm)
Re: mix screw caps

 I took a very small drill bit. Yes, I think it was a 1/8 (don't quite remember) Drill a pilot hole. As soon as it breaks through, STOP! Back the bit out. I took a metla self tapping screw, and screwed it into the pilot hole. Took a pair of Vice-grips and locked them onto the screw head, and just cocked and pulled them right out.

Chris "Ampster" A

(4/6/04 2:30 pm)
mix screws

 Hey free, just turning out the mixture screws on the B6 won't help much. Someone tried it with mine and it didn't do anything. Start on the right track and get the complete kit from holeshot or Ivans. This cures cold starting, long warm up, and no mid range.
(4/6/04 3:32 pm)
Re: mix screws

 Yeah! What Tacoman said!    
Chris "Ampster" A

(4/6/04 7:18 pm)
Re: plugged mix screws

 just a quick vocab question...does 'mixture screw' = "pilot screw"?
(4/6/04 10:41 pm)
Re: plugged mix screws

Paul W

(4/7/04 3:17 am)
Ivans jet kit

 I'm pretty sure I'm going with the ivan jet kit and a Scorpion exhaust! once I put the kit in do i not have to play the pilot screw to adjust for the new jets and needles?
I'm just getting into this sport so I'm not looking to ride a sidewinder missile yet just want to warm up easier and have some mid range. I'm still not sure what that means though and how it affects the performance and ride of the bike. Anyone want to fill me in ? sorry for basic questions, we all have to start from somewhere!

FreediverGA OUT
(4/7/04 11:48 am)
Re: Ivans jet kit

 Yes, you'll need to drill out the plugs.
It should fulfill all your dreams in the warm-up and rideability areas - and give you a healthy shot in the arm in the power dept. On the 1200, expect ~20 horse improvement and little effect on mpg. Some report a slight decrease, some actually increase.

Paul W

(4/7/04 12:26 pm)
jet kit

how easy is it to install the jet kit for the B6 and does it include instruction in setting up the pilot screw settings.
when I get the kit and do an install. It will be the first time cracking open the Carbs, so I will be following the ivan's and my handy Haynes very carefully!!!

FreediverGA OUT
(4/7/04 8:06 pm)
Re: jet kit

It's pretty easy and comes with instructions (at least Dale's & Ivan's kits do). The most difficult part will be taking the carb bank off the bike and putting it back on - and that's just because the throttle cables can be a little frustrating and wrestling the carbs between the airbox and engine is tight quarters. The scarriest part is drilling out the plugs, but if you wrap the drill bit in tape to make a stop, as mentioned earlier, you'll be fine. I know it can be hard on the nerves for someone to take a drill to an expensive set of carbs that are working... but you'll be REALLY happy when you're done and see how well it runs!  

Paul W

(4/9/04 9:24 am)
Re: jet kit

I installed my Ivan's jet kit last night. I sort of knew what I was doing, so it went fine, but if you don't know enough about carbs, you will not be able to do this alone.

The shop manual will give you some very basic direction on how to remove the carb bank, but not a step-by-step.
Ivan's "instructions" were only good for setting the pilot screw and (in the case of the B12) drilling the airbox. There was not a single point on how to install the jet kit. No pictures... nothing. Just that you have to re-use the nylon bushing under the new needle and the OE washer above the clip.
Although this is good info, I was really expecting the kit would have some installation instructions.

Some snags you might run into:
- I turned the carbs over and was surprised to see 2 plugs in each carb. Wasn't sure which one to drill at first.
- Opened the float caps off the bottom and wasn't sure which the Main Jet was
- Flipped the carbs and opened the caps (black plastic top) of the carbs and it took some careful dissection to figure out how to get at the needles out

I took a ton of pics wile I was working last night and will post them with a step-by-step that should hopefully help others.
If I don't get it done today... maybe early next week.


2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS