Author Topic: 2003 B6S Gearing Question  (Read 2679 times)

Offline Redrider2k2

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2003 B6S Gearing Question
« on: September 05, 2006, 05:37:27 PM »
Hi all.

My 03 B6S is currently sporting a 15T front sprocket, 43T Rear and a 110 Link chain. They were on there when I bought it and it's time for a new chain. Now, my question. What are the stock teeth numbers and chain length for this bike? Between my manual, Chain Man. Websites and other people I've been hearing all kinds of numbers. I know the 15T front is stock but I've heard from 110 links to 112 and anywhere from 45T rear to a 48.

I was hoping to have this chain last me to the end of the season but it looks like I will be ordering one this week. I'm probably going to leave the sprockets as they are for now since I like this set up but knowing the stock #s would be nice.

Thanks in advance!
03 B6S

Offline Ar-Bandit

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2003 B6S Gearing Question
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2006, 06:51:41 PM »
If I remember right the stock sprocket is like 47.  I'm running 1 down and 6 up on my 02 bandit 6S.  I have got it to go 9.9's with a 250 pound rider.  I hope I was some help.

Pike Motorsports
On a Swedish chainsaw --
"Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
(Oh my Word..was there a lot of this happening somewhere?)

Offline timjim

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« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2006, 06:07:51 PM »
600 =15 front /48 rear 110 links
1200 =15front/44 rear 112 links

Hope this is of use.tim :beers: