Author Topic: Anyone gone to 17.5 pilots with Ivan's kit?  (Read 9160 times)

Offline PaulVS

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Anyone gone to 17.5 pilots with Ivan's kit?
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2005, 11:47:24 AM »
Quote from: "Bazza"
Well I tried the 17.5's today and the beast ran very rich. So rich in fact I could light unburned fuel in my pipe with a match.

Not to doubt your thoroughness... but are you sure everything was put back right?  Going up to 17.5's from 15's shouldn't come close to causing that kind of problem.  Some people even recommend using 27.5 pilots, in fact.  

Did you turn your A/F screws back in a little after you put in the 17.5's?

Before you rip out the 17.5's... I'd double check your work.

Offline ZINK

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Anyone gone to 17.5 pilots with Ivan's kit?
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2005, 07:58:34 PM »
You described the garden hose effect do you mean it gushed fuel? if so did it escape from your large fuel hose connected to the carb plastic nipple?

Offline Bazza

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Anyone gone to 17.5 pilots with Ivan's kit?
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2005, 05:57:48 AM »
Hey Guys:

When I installed the 17.5 pilots, I turned the screws back from 4 out to 3.5. When I started the thing, it began to belch white smoke (and I mean lots). I took the carbs back off, and inspected, everything was normal. Re-installed the carbs and set the scres to 3 turns. Less white smoke but still smoking. The pipe was wet with unburned gas. (I could light it with a match)

Took the carbs out, put the stock pilots back in, and it ran fine after I moved back to 4 turns out.  I can't believe what happened, and have no explaination for it. I would agree with PaulVS here, I would have never believed this would have occured. I thought I might run a little rich but nothing like what happened. (I did add 17.5 pilots to a friends Bandit with Dales stage 1 kit and the difference seemed marginal on his bike)

I am curious to hear what any others experiance.

Offline slo coach

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Anyone gone to 17.5 pilots with Ivan's kit?
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2005, 06:51:25 AM »
just thinking out loud---i read somewhere that if you change pilots,some have 6 holes in them and others 8,and the reference said under no circumstances use the pilots with 6 holes,may be worth a look as ive run 27.5's and the only obvious diff is the 1/4 mile time. slo.

slo coach

Offline Bazza

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Anyone gone to 17.5 pilots with Ivan's kit?
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2005, 05:20:07 AM »
Keep us posted Steve!

Offline Bazza

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Anyone gone to 17.5 pilots with Ivan's kit?
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2005, 06:02:27 AM »
Ok kids, I did get the 17.5's to work. (I think I may have had a stck float bowl on my last attempt.)

I am now at

3rd clip
Airbox Mod
112 mains
17.5 pilots
Screws at 3.25 turns out.

Did it make a big difference? From what I can tell, I am getting a slightly better idle but now there is a real fine line between running rich (RPM's dropping with a slight throttle blip at idle) and running lean (RPM's hanging while blipping the throttle slightly at idle.

I am now at 1/8 turn adjustments, but it is almost perfect at 3.25 turns out. (I was at 3 3/4 turns out with the stock pilots)

I maybe see a slight increase in power when I spool it up from idle but I would emphasize it's very slight, and probably could have got the same affect with the stock pilots had I tried fine tuning them as much.

The general consensus here is that it's not worth the effort if your getting a good idle.
