Author Topic: Bandit 1200 dies when I give it gas  (Read 9615 times)

Offline Redd Biscuits

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Bandit 1200 dies when I give it gas
« on: February 21, 2020, 09:14:16 AM »
Hey everybody! I'm hoping someone out there in Bandit Land can help me out.

I've got a 2000 model Bandit 1200 (GV75A) that I bought Jan. 2019. It has a few issues but has basically run like a scalded dog (meaning very well and FAST) up until about a month ago. The current problem seems to be an over-fueling or fuel delivery problem, I'm not sure which. The other issues (rev counter/fuel gauge/Oil and Neutral lights not working) I shall tackle/address in another string.

The problem as it stands it that I can start the bike and very slowly turn the throttle up to a point, it will rev up (up to a point) and then die. If I open the throttle wide as it's idling, it dies instantly.

Back story and steps taken so far:

About a 2 months ago, I was riding without any motor issues but then I noticed a light sputtering at idle that became worse if I slightly twisted the throttle. When I turned the tap to Reserve or Prime it went away, or so it seemed at first. However the problem grew to a point where it didn't matter what I selected on the fuel tap.
So I bought a kit and rebuilt the tap. Again…at first it seemed to work but I perceived the same symptoms after a day or two following the rebuild.
And THAT’S when IT happened. After a day of riding around the city I went to my last appointment before heading home. Everything “worked”. After my appointment I mounted my bike and started her without problem. BUT…when I drove off, she sputtered very steadily and I had no power. It acted like a car with a bad distributor rotor or a burnt-through spark plug wire. So I limped her home and parked her in the garage.
It took me another month to get the time to have a real good look at the problem. My bike had been parked on the side stand the whole time. She would not start at first and it took a loooooong while to get her going. This is when the heavy sputtering and misfiring began. The slightest choke or gas would kill the motor instantly.
So my mate Chris and I wanted to check the plugs and as he grabbed the number 2 cable he got electrocuted. The spark plug cap came right off the cable effortlessly. AND the spark plug itself was not even finger tight in its place. So I thought that was the obvious problem. NOPE!
Spark plugs pulled, checked and re-seated. Screwed the caps back onto the cables but still sputtered like hell. The carbs were totally flooded. So I ran them dry the best I could in the bike’s current state, then drained the float bowls completely.
Even earlier I had installed touring bars on the bike so in case the choke was marginally open, I adjusted the choke line to give as much slack as possible without disconnecting it. (Maybe that was a mistake)
So after reconnecting the vacuum line to the carbs, I set the tap to ON and after a couple turns she fired up AND sounded better…but still sputtering a bit, though not as bad as a few hours before. BUT when I gave her a good twist of the throttle, she died. I could start her and leave the choke on now and she’d run fast and loud but the moment I turned the throttle, she died.

And that’s where I’m at now. I am not sure of my next step. Sorry for the short-story novel….but can anyone help????

Much obliged for your attention and any advice.


Offline Cincykz

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Re: Bandit 1200 dies when I give it gas
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2020, 10:13:56 PM »
Are you leaking fuel out the overflow? Oil or airbox smell fuelly? Could be a stuck float or failed needle seat. Airbox plugged?
2002 B1200s