Author Topic: Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)  (Read 8224 times)

Offline okbandit

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2007, 12:09:27 PM »
I don't think you are headed the wrong way.  I do hope that your mechanic explained to you what running pods is like.  Your bike is not going to like being cold, it will make strange noises and if you wash it at the car wash it will run super rich for a few minutes.  If you are after a fix it and forget it, you aren't going to get that.  I love my holeshot pod setup, but I do want you to know that you will have issues with it and you would do well to learn some basic carb mechanics.  It is more of a hot rodders set up and as such it will, over time, give you some problems.  You can fix them with just a little education and I bet you will feel better about carbs when you are through.  I run mine almost everyday to and from work and it is fine, just has some quirks to learn about.
2001 B12-HS stage II, HS full exhaust, Gsxr cam

Offline drewpy_dawg

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2007, 12:26:53 PM »
Thanks for the heads up.  He did ask if I rode in the rain.  My reply was "only when I have to, but yes sometimes."  (I passed the MSF on a "street legal" dirtbike that didn't have DOT tires in the rain...).  I'll leave the covers on for that reason.  Does anyone have the waterproof cordura covers that Dale Walker sells?  
I try to avoid carwashes for the version of washing the bike is to gently hose off the bike then get in with some Detailing spray and elbow grease.  Takes about the same amount of time and I'm washed and waxed all at once.  
So it will be cranky when its cold?  Isn't that normal for bandit's?  :bandit:
What do you mean by strange noises??
I'm more than willing to learn and will (especially after this bill...heh).  The walk through's I've seen are helpful but I REALLY need to truly see it done once.  My previous car's cult following had people video taping and burning to DVD the how-to's and they made some good money doing so I think.  
2002 Bandit 1200s - Blue - Holeshot exhaust, pod filters and dynojet stage 3 jet kit and carbon fiber look accessories.  
2006 Hyosung Avitar GV-650 (wife's bike) -Silver- bone stock (and pretty darn fun to ride)

Offline pmackie

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2007, 01:51:36 PM »
Hey Drewpy

Let's see...diagnose carb problem, remove and rejet carbs, adjust valves, install pod filters, at current shop rates, sounds about right. (At least I don't thing your being taken to the cleaners).

Dianosis...a little questionable. The holes if the factory airbox are a recommended upgrade with a jet kit. (Either Holeshot or Ivan's) so it is NOT necessary to automatically replace the airbox or go to pods. Maybe just install a proper jet kit, c/w instructions.

Unfortunately the mechanic is not likely an expert on the B-12. would have been good to have the info before you gave it to him, but such is life. Hope you get back what you expect.
2002-GSF600S, Progressive Fork Springs, B12 Shock,
SS Brake lines, EBC HH pads, Leo Vince Ex & Kappa bags.
Ex Bike Mechanic (late 70's), somewhat rusty
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Offline drewpy_dawg

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2007, 01:55:42 PM »
See...He IS a b-12 expert.  Used to race GSXR's and his current ride is a heavily modified naked B-12.  Maybe his version of what is "right" is a little different than others?  Some feel the Pods don't do much (Ivans...from what I've read) whereas others feel they maybe his version of optimal is different.  Some of it with the Pods was a "while you are at it because we're doing all this other stuff" as well.
2002 Bandit 1200s - Blue - Holeshot exhaust, pod filters and dynojet stage 3 jet kit and carbon fiber look accessories.  
2006 Hyosung Avitar GV-650 (wife's bike) -Silver- bone stock (and pretty darn fun to ride)

Offline Red01

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2007, 02:47:32 PM »
FWIW I've been running the Holeshot Stage II kit with pods for ~40K miles in temps from ~32 to >100*F. In the rain and in the dry. Mine starts just fine all the time. It does require the choke when the motor's cold, but no different than before it was rejetted and warm up is a little faster. On the occasions when I wash it with water, I just avoid spraying the pods with the hose or the wand. That's pretty easy since the side covers cover them so well. In the rain, I've only had it stumble from the filters getting too wet twice. Both times it was raining VERY HARD.

The only strange noises I've heard, if you want to call them that, is I get a little more intake tract noise.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline okbandit

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2007, 03:06:20 PM »
The strange noise I get is a slight pop back through the carbs when it is cold.  Doesn't really seem to be a problem, but it does make people around you take a second look.  I was told the stockers do that a bit too, but the airbox muffles it.  As far as the rain and ride quality in the cold it's fine.  Mine does like to be choked, but I have it running lean on the idle compared to most  (3 1/2 ).  I had the ivan's kit and back to back dyno'd both with the same 116hp results.  I changed because I have bigger plans for a 1216 in the future.  Already went to gsxr cam and full exhaust and that is where the pods started to pay off for me.  Had I no future plans though, I would have kept the ivan's kit.
2001 B12-HS stage II, HS full exhaust, Gsxr cam

Offline Red01

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2007, 03:54:42 PM »
I do get that occasional 'sneeze' like that when cold, too, especially if I try to give it throttle before it's ready.

There were no Ivan's kits when I got mine. I chose the pods for ease of maintenance as well as thinking I might go further with the mods someday. Doubt I'll follow through though, probably end up getting another bike instead of further mod investments, but who knows...
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline okbandit

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2007, 10:47:49 PM »
Good point Red, the pods make it WAY easier to work on.  Tossing the pair in the trash is a huge move towards making things easier as well, and cheap.
2001 B12-HS stage II, HS full exhaust, Gsxr cam

Offline smooth operator

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2007, 07:48:37 AM »
Yes ,I believe his diognosis is corect.Dialing in the carbs may be more than just putting in a set of jets and putting them back on. I did mine myself,but had them out(taking notes each time)several times untill I got the sizes,mains and piolots to my liking. You can get a close starting point from trials and errors from previous tuners. Then take it for a good ride ,read the plugs,to see if the mains are right. The piolots suggested by Dale Walker and seem to be the ones used by the majority w/ same set ups were too small for my bike. It was lean at low speeds,so I went up. Also had to run my needles leaner than suggested and I'm using a washer to tune it in to 1/2 notch. 3 turns out is where I'm at w/ the fuel screws. But all was done ,one thing at a time,taking notes each time. So what I'm gtting at, for that $500. labor, is he going to get it right the 1st time? and if it needs dialed in is it all included in the same quote?  Dan

Offline drewpy_dawg

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #24 on: May 16, 2007, 10:16:19 AM »
I'm hoping that because:
a) he rides a modified B-12 himself
b) its taking for what seems like forever. (Thursday will be two weeks since I dropped it off...they had about a 5 day lag in getting to bikes and talked to him Saturday about the PODs and such)
That it will be 100% right the first time around.  If it runs poorly when I go to pick it up, I'll make a stink, thats for darn sure.  
Next time, I'll do the valves myself for sure (after some reading, this is def. something labor intensive but not hard) and spark plugs are a no-brainer.
I'm just looking forward to having the bike back and with more HP than when I dropped it off.  
The wife's bike is fun...but not THAT fun.  
2002 Bandit 1200s - Blue - Holeshot exhaust, pod filters and dynojet stage 3 jet kit and carbon fiber look accessories.  
2006 Hyosung Avitar GV-650 (wife's bike) -Silver- bone stock (and pretty darn fun to ride)

Offline drewpy_dawg

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2007, 10:48:02 AM »
Got the bike back.  I got a little over-charged for the K&N Pod's (about 10 bucks more than what I've seen as the msrp) and about 5 over on the crank case breather filter.  The bike runs like a bat out of hell.  Throttle response throughout the powerband is amazing now.  70mph to 80mph is a blink with just a crack of the throttle.  Labor for what they did was spot on and it runs like a top.  I'm happy...would have been happier had the person that put the holeshot on done things right in the first place but now its got a stage 3 dynojet and pods.  Honda of Houston does 20 bucks dyno days every so often...will have to hit them up to see what I'm putting out now.  I haven't really had a chance to lay in on it too much and no one wanted to "play" saturday night...not even a little.
2002 Bandit 1200s - Blue - Holeshot exhaust, pod filters and dynojet stage 3 jet kit and carbon fiber look accessories.  
2006 Hyosung Avitar GV-650 (wife's bike) -Silver- bone stock (and pretty darn fun to ride)

Offline Red01

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2007, 11:21:30 AM »
I guess you need to update your sig now... the "(coming soon)" can be deleted now.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Tx Redneck

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #27 on: May 23, 2007, 08:17:46 AM »
dawg, is there any chance you could let me know where you took your bike ?  $800 seems like a bargain to me right now  :taz:

Offline Blade

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2007, 08:53:57 PM »

$500 to install a jet kit? Next time you can send me the carbs and I will pay shipping both ways for that price to do a jet kit.

Check here for my prices:

Offline drewpy_dawg

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Bike was running horribly (am I getting fleeced?)
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2007, 08:58:59 PM »
plugs, valves, chain clean and adjust and a few other things for that labor charge as well.  It rides so well and is dialed in 100% that sending the carbs out and getting them back then still possibly having to tweak them doesn't sound all that perfect of an option.  
(they also tweaked the pre-load front and rear based on my weight...easy enough to do but a nice detail)
2002 Bandit 1200s - Blue - Holeshot exhaust, pod filters and dynojet stage 3 jet kit and carbon fiber look accessories.  
2006 Hyosung Avitar GV-650 (wife's bike) -Silver- bone stock (and pretty darn fun to ride)