Yes ,I believe his diognosis is corect.Dialing in the carbs may be more than just putting in a set of jets and putting them back on. I did mine myself,but had them out(taking notes each time)several times untill I got the sizes,mains and piolots to my liking. You can get a close starting point from trials and errors from previous tuners. Then take it for a good ride ,read the plugs,to see if the mains are right. The piolots suggested by Dale Walker and seem to be the ones used by the majority w/ same set ups were too small for my bike. It was lean at low speeds,so I went up. Also had to run my needles leaner than suggested and I'm using a washer to tune it in to 1/2 notch. 3 turns out is where I'm at w/ the fuel screws. But all was done ,one thing at a time,taking notes each time. So what I'm gtting at, for that $500. labor, is he going to get it right the 1st time? and if it needs dialed in is it all included in the same quote? Dan