Author Topic: Buell headlight wiring question  (Read 3067 times)

Offline theroamr

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Buell headlight wiring question
« on: July 29, 2006, 01:30:25 PM »
I have bought a xb buell headlight. I have read how to fab brackets and am all set with that. My question is about wiring. The bandit and the buell have different connectors. I figured I am going to need to Cut off the bandit connectors and expose the 3 wires. The wires are yellow, black&white, and white for the bandit. The buell has 4 wires,black, yellow, white, and orange&white.

This seems to be the obvious choice is this right?

Bandit to buell
black&white to black
yellow to yellow
white to white
?????? to orange&white

Anyone know what the connector type is called on the buell headlight. It appears to be the male end. If I know the name of it I can ask around and buy a female end to wire the bandit into. This will save me from having to cut up the buell connector and be able to use it.

Whats the orange &white wire for on the buell?
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Offline tannerismyhero

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Buell headlight wiring question
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2006, 01:47:44 PM »
I would crack it open to see where the hot and grounds are goin first. Isn't there like a brown wire on the front of the 1200 that is hot? Just because they are the same color (i.e. Yellow) doesn't mean they will hook up right. You may end up blowing something...Just remember it is off a buell...look how bass akwards harley is. :stickpoke:
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Offline Red01

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Buell headlight wiring question
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2006, 12:30:41 PM »
Bobcat did this mod to his old B6 (a 1G though). He doesn't hang around here much, but is pretty regular over at M-S. If you drop him a PM, he may be able to help. (Same user name there, too.)
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