Author Topic: Holeshot Stage II Frustrations  (Read 2900 times)

Offline jfudo

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Holeshot Stage II Frustrations
« on: May 30, 2006, 04:14:56 PM »
I've been fighting with my stage II with pods for a couple weeks.  Have had  a tough time.  At first, it would stumble like crazy off a stop.  It turns out my floats were way off.  I don't know how they got there, around 8mm.  I now have everything set the way Dale says to.  14mm float, 150 mains, 135 pilots, middle setting on needle, mixture 3.5 turns out.  It runs pretty poorly like that.  So much so that my frustration has prevented me from even taking it out of the garage (not to mention that I've been busy).

Anyway, as it is, it starts a bit rough with choke on, smooths out after about 20 seconds.  Choke needs to stay on a bit longer.  I give it a touch of gas and it seems pretty good.  If I give it a good blip (like 1/2 throttle), flames shoot out my tailpipe and it makes all sorts of funny sounds, but not loud backfires, just crackling and popping.  

I know this is useless information without test driving it.  Any suggestions?

Offline chevsuz12

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Holeshot Stage II Frustrations
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2006, 01:12:46 AM »
Call Dale, and explain to him exactly what it is doing.  He will help you out until you are satisfied.  I had problems setting mine up as well, turns out I wasn't setting the floats right.
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Offline Dave 02 1200

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Holeshot Stage II Frustrations
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2006, 07:39:45 PM »
Definitely call Dale before you do anything else.  He will walk you through the diagnostic process and the problem will be solved.  It is probably something simple, possibly float level related - but I'll leave that to Dale.  I am a strong supporter because he did an excellent job of explaining things to me and I had great results.  Good luck.
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