Author Topic: Ivan's Jet Ket with 2 Brothers and Fuel Mileage  (Read 12401 times)

Offline snofrog

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Re: Ivan's Jet Ket with 2 Brothers and Fuel Mileage
« Reply #30 on: March 10, 2008, 06:49:45 PM »
currently , 2 3/4 turns out ,middle clip position , stock pilots . I dont remember what mains but they are what was sent in the jet kit . it runs pretty good with a slight cold stumble at 1700 rpm`s till warm then just smooth all over .
oo b12 s
thank`s Ivan
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Offline Rocketjock

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Re: Ivan's Jet Ket with 2 Brothers and Fuel Mileage
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2008, 10:34:11 AM »

I took the PAIRS right off but I always wondered what Ivan was talking about in these instructions under 'Disable Air Induction System'
For example in #1 he is referring to the main air hose from the PAIRS unit as the vacuum hose. I guess it is technally a vacuum but there is a small vacuum hose that operates the unit going to the carb. And #2 refers to the large diameter hole in the airbox. The only other holes in mine are the blowby hose from the engone top and the drain in the bottom of the airbox. Surely he is not referring to the stock inlet hole? Naw. I didn't get a plug for that from him. But, if I reinstall the pairs system to try to decrease decel pop I am assuming the main hose from the system to the airbox remains plugged at both the box and the unit, right? And the vacuum remains hooked up to allow the unit to work to help with decel pop? Or not? I don't get it? You see I said before it made no difference in decel pop for me with it on but I actually had the vacuum disconnected. So, if it helps with it connected I'll definately put it on.
06 B12
Lovin my Bandit
07 KLR.
Too much fun!

Offline Big Bo

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Re: Ivan's Jet Ket with 2 Brothers and Fuel Mileage
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2008, 08:20:16 PM »
I have the same setup as you. I asked the same questions as you. My bike stock would get anywhere fron 49-51 mpg. Jet kit(Ivans) TwoBrothers pipe and the milage went down to 44 mpg, then it dropped to 28 mpg  :shock: :duh: :?:, I had another mechanic look at it and the milage did not move. Months later I checked and the boots to the carbs were loose. Tightened them and the milage went to 31 mpg. Had another mech look at it and he found nothing. Put a K&N in it to lean it out and on a trip I got 40 mpg. On long trips I try not to get on it too much. It runs rich, I can smell the fuel. I talked to another home yard mech, he says that my needles need to be lowered?????

It rides good, has plenty of power, and I like it.
2002 Silver 1200S
Two Brothers slip on
Busa shock
Power Bronze Hugger
Zero Gravity Double Bubble
Ivan`s jet kit and air box mod

Ya gota love a 1200 torque monster.

Offline Rocketjock

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Re: Ivan's Jet Ket with 2 Brothers and Fuel Mileage
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2008, 09:26:14 PM »
Took her out the other day. Needles set to the middle pos., screws at 3.75 turns. Loud decel pop but who cares. Running very nice now and I DID make sure the filter was nice and clean. No noticable richness and it launches like a rocket at 4 grand. There are sooo many little things you have to watch out for when you pop the tops on those carbs. Those tiny o rings; don't lose em and make damn sure they are properly seated when you secure the caps. Same goes for the diaphrams. They HAVE to be sittin down right. And, before all that, the needle plugs themselves. Don't do what I did and have one pop out on you on some long cross country ride or you'll be sitting in the 100 degree heat in your riding gear on the roadside with your little toolkit trying to find the problem. Luckily, I did after a half an hour. Just make sure they are securely seated with a pop and a twist!
06 B12
Lovin my Bandit
07 KLR.
Too much fun!