Author Topic: Jet Kit 1,2 or 3?  (Read 4656 times)

Offline Banditclimax

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Jet Kit 1,2 or 3?
« on: March 16, 2007, 11:46:23 AM »
Hello all, I have an 05 B12 that I am getting ready to install a Yosh TRS slip-on and K&N filter.  I know I want to do the jet kit, and have read up on all your write-ups.  I will go with Ivan or Dale for sure.  My problem is, I don't know what the different stages(1,2,3) mean. :?:   I am also a bit apprehensive about messing with my carbs.  I am pretty handy mechanically, but have never learned carbs, and am I going to need to do anything with the air cleaner box.  I am willing to give it a shot, but again, which stage to install?  Any experienced input will be greatly appreciated. :thanks:
"High is dry, and white is right".  Wise advice given to me by a CHP motorcycle officer, after he watched me go down upon hitting diesel fuel on a freeway interchange.  From another experienced rider, "ride the bike, don't let the bike ride you".

Offline Red01

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Jet Kit 1,2 or 3?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2007, 12:35:49 PM »
Generally speaking:

Stage 1 keeps the stock airbox, but may modify it. In the case of the B12, both Ivan & Dale have you add holes to the airbox lid. Exactly what the contents are vary by bike model. May contain some or all of the following: jets, shims, needles, timing advancer and/or other special modifications/instructions.

Stage 2 for some weird reason is not usually offered by most kit makers, but Dale uses this term. His Stage 2 is roughly the equal to other's Stage 3.

Stage 3 usually deletes the stock airbox in favor of pod filters. Jets and/or needles are made to provide more fuel for the more air that this setup permits. Contents will be similar to Stage 1, plus may include the pod filters.

Bandit 1200 speaking:

Ivan only offers a Stage 1 style kit. His kit seems to offer better performance than Dale's Stage 1. Dale's Stage 1 kit does not work well with the K&N replacement filter. Ivan's seems to work with it though. Dale offers two different Stage 2 kits. One (Stage 2 Modified) keeps the airbox and replaces the lid with a frame that will hold the filter in place. This one willl make the same or slightly better power than Ivan's kit. The other (standard Stage 2) gets rid of the airbox and uses K&N pod filters. This one make a little more power than the Stage 2 Modified.
2001 GSF1200S
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Jet Kit 1,2 or 3?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2007, 12:50:21 PM »
When you ask different people you will get different answers as to the definition of stage 1 or 2 modifications. Normally stage 1 is a modification to the carb or FI only in the form of a kit, stage 2 will usually evolve the intake and exhaust as well. Ivan's jet kit has been touted as the most plug and play jet kit available partly due to his exacting instructions which if you follow not only woks first time but also gives you the option to modify the airbox (stage 2) or not, but does require an after market slip-on muffler such as Yosh either way. Most popular carb kits do not recommend the use of K&N filter systems as they make an already lean situation worse. Ivan strongly recommends use of the stock filter with modification of the air box only (22 holes). If you want a kit that is strait forward, easy to install and will yield great results without much fine tuning, Ivan's kit is the way to go but I would get my money back for the K&N filter.

Offline Banditclimax

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Jet Kit 1,2 or 3?
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2007, 10:14:58 AM »
Quote from: "Red01"
Generally speaking:

Stage 1 keeps the stock airbox, but may modify it. In the case of the B12, both Ivan & Dale have you add holes to the airbox lid. Exactly what the contents are vary by bike model. May contain some or all of the following: jets, shims, needles, timing advancer and/or other special modifications/instructions.

Stage 2 for some weird reason is not usually offered by most kit makers, but Dale uses this term. His Stage 2 is roughly the equal to other's Stage 3.

Stage 3 usually deletes the stock airbox in favor of pod filters. Jets and/or needles are made to provide more fuel for the more air that this setup permits. Contents will be similar to Stage 1, plus may include the pod filters.

Bandit 1200 speaking:

Ivan only offers a Stage 1 style kit. His kit seems to offer better performance than Dale's Stage 1. Dale's Stage 1 kit does not work well with the K&N replacement filter. Ivan's seems to work with it though. Dale offers two different Stage 2 kits. One (Stage 2 Modified) keeps the airbox and replaces the lid with a frame that will hold the filter in place. This one willl make the same or slightly better power than Ivan's kit. The other (standard Stage 2) gets rid of the airbox and uses K&N pod filters. This one make a little more power than the Stage 2 Modified.

Thank you very much.  I appreciate your input.
"High is dry, and white is right".  Wise advice given to me by a CHP motorcycle officer, after he watched me go down upon hitting diesel fuel on a freeway interchange.  From another experienced rider, "ride the bike, don't let the bike ride you".

Offline Hydrogen

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Jet Kit 1,2 or 3?
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2007, 05:08:53 PM »
And to add to the confusion:

I'd recommend the FactoryPro Stage 3. Depending on how much and how hard you ride you may want to go with the titanium needles also.

I am also a big fan of the individual filters vs the pods but they both work well.