Author Topic: Oil Leak Under alternator  (Read 5590 times)

Offline jimyed

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Oil Leak Under alternator
« on: May 06, 2008, 03:26:51 PM »
My 2001 1200s appears to be leaking oil from under the Alternator nothing in the service manual or onlines fiche suggest where the laek might be.

Anyone know what might be leaking? I was afaraid it was the counter shaft seal but it's definately above that.

I just checked my oil and it could be a litle over full , any idea if that could contribute?

BTW  i did search but nothing came up that was similar .

Offline pmackie

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Re: Oil Leak Under alternator
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2008, 06:05:02 PM »
I's be suspicious that it is dripping down from the airbox.

The engine vents discharge into the airbox, and it is common for the bike to build up a little oil, especially if the engine is overfilled.

There is a drain hose that discharges near the right footpeg, that has a cap/plug in it. You need to check this a couple of times/year. You should also look into the airbox with a flashlight when you change the filter and see what is collecting in there.

I suspect you have a little oil collected and that it may be dripping down from where the drain hose connects to the airbox. This is the easiest thing to check first.
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Offline jimyed

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Re: Oil Leak Under alternator
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2008, 06:50:43 PM »
Thanks I will. I just ordered a new air filter today and have not opened up the airbox or anything else yet (60 days warrenty left I'm not touching any thing until that's over). so I'll look into that when I do change the filter.

Offline Red01

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Re: Oil Leak Under alternator
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2008, 08:09:03 AM »
You ought to look in the airbox... cuz if it's not that, then you might need to excercise that warranty.
There's an O-ring on the alternator that may have gone bad.  Haven't heard of anyone having a problem with that, just thinking of the possibilities.
2001 GSF1200S
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Offline jimyed

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Re: Oil Leak Under alternator
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2008, 10:06:12 AM »
I have looked at the Airbox without atking it Off and It's dry undernaeth and the drain hose is dry.

I am going to the dealer this morning and they will have a look.

I claened the oil off the engine as far under the alternator as I could get and it did not drip any oil for about 10 hours . So it is traveling accross the engine before hitting the ground and really does look like it's coming from under the alternator.I gueess i'll see what they say. 

Offline jimyed

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Re: Oil Leak Under alternator
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2008, 10:49:57 PM »
Update . I went to the dealer and  a mechanic confirmed my observation of where the leak was coming from. An O-ring was ordered for the alternator. And will be installed in a few weeks when Suzuki bothers to deliver it. We also decided that the oil was higher than either of us liked so  I dumped the oil and put in exactly 3.3.litres of Motul 5100 to bring the level to just under the full line. The bike has not leaked since . What that means i don't know for sure ,both the Mechanic andIi don't think oil level should affect the leak but ...

BTW the Motul really smoothed out the shift so that answers my question on what oil was in the bike. It most likely was Dino.