Author Topic: poor running bandit  (Read 4764 times)

Offline redbandit12

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poor running bandit
« on: July 03, 2007, 06:26:25 AM »
hi all
 1st gen b12 holeshot stage 2 jet kit runs really bad at times. im on the 4th clip with shim 147.5 mains 35 pilot jet and about 3.75 turns out on the a/f  ride the bike this weekend got 75 miles on a tank of gas not that i care about gas mileage just more info  rode about 45 miles bike ran ok once it got warmed up. stopped for a few hours started the bike up sat and idled for maybe 5 minutes got stuck in some slow traffic for maybe 5 more minutes got on a clear rode and hit it. it only ran on 3 cylinders had to do a few red line runs until it cleared up ran fine till i stopped again and shut the bike off and restarted less the 2 minutes same thing only ran on 3 cylinders rode it home that way maybe 5 miles haven't started the bike yet since sunday. it's getting old pulling the carbs off to readjust

Offline okbandit

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poor running bandit
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2007, 08:32:28 AM »
Hang in there it'll come together.  List your location for us as elevation makes a difference and there may be someone in your area running the same setup.  Also is this a new install?  What exhaust are you runnung?  More info please.
2001 B12-HS stage II, HS full exhaust, Gsxr cam

Offline redbandit12

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« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2007, 06:12:11 PM »
im in south central pa.yes it's a new install got the bike 04/07 with 600 miles on it. has a D&D bolt-on can, holeshot advancer,14t sprocket on the front, holeshot stage2 jetkit k&n filters

Offline okbandit

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poor running bandit
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2007, 09:18:28 AM »
Since it's new I would contact Dale Walker, most of what you payed for is his time to help you and he is the best at getting to the problem.  Nice guy too.  Meantime I will try to help.  Missing is usually a vacuum leak, like a clamp not tight etc.  Could also be float level as they are only set a certain way and a common mistake  This is for a second gen bike and a little different, but setting the floats is the same procedure (different MM setting for you).  Some other good things there that may help.
2001 B12-HS stage II, HS full exhaust, Gsxr cam

Offline redbandit12

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« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2007, 10:09:59 AM »
it's not a miss it ran on 3 cylinders and i may be wrong but a vacuum leak would cause poor idling or high idle right? it does smell rich when it's idling. i have called dale kinda tuff to get him on the phone that's why im tyring here too he told me to set the floats at 16 mm i think. i could be wrong about that too
i don't like getting beat by 73 z1! LOL  :gatlin

Offline okbandit

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poor running bandit
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2007, 11:37:06 AM »
16 mm sounds about right for a gen 1.  Could be that the 1 jug that is missing is because of a fouled plug from running too rich.  Lowering the needle will lean it out in the mid range and a bit at low rpm as well.  Keep dropping that needle till you get a surge and then back to the previous best setting.  My stage 2 on a gen 2 runs best with much larger main (160 or 157.5) so I think your mains are not the cause.  Needles can be dropped with the carbs on the bike if you take the tank off and use a 90 degree screwdriver or a bit in a pair of pliers.  As for the vacuum leak it will cause a slow or erratic idle and a stumble down low.
2001 B12-HS stage II, HS full exhaust, Gsxr cam

Offline redbandit12

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« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2007, 12:24:36 PM »
it runs great when it's running right. i can go from idle to wide open no problem front wheel in the air. it runs well most of the time. just came back from a short ride ran great. it's only about 70 here today and the humidity is low took a while to warm up. im starting to think i need to go back to stock pilot or go with the smaller one from holeshot. i did notice my pipe is very sooty. maybe i need to put full pipe on? is a stage 2 to much for a stock motor? my plan was jet kit.advancer full yosh pipe and gsxr cam or cams. didn't really want to change pipes yet but if that's what it's gonna take so be it

Offline okbandit

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« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2007, 12:45:25 PM »
Stock header will work just fine
2001 B12-HS stage II, HS full exhaust, Gsxr cam

Offline Red01

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poor running bandit
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2007, 02:43:18 PM »
FWIW, here's what Fast Larry's Bandit FAQ says the settings for the average 1G B12 with a Holeshot Stage II are:

Stage II (Dual K&N oval filters, aftermarket exhaust)
Mains 150
Pilots 32.5
Holeshot needles 2/3 notches from full-rich
Idle screws 2.75 - 3.5 turns out
Float height 14.7mm

Of course, if Dale tells you something different, I'd go with that!!
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline redbandit12

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poor running bandit
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2007, 08:10:54 PM »
i think im gonna try fast larrys setup this weekend and see what happens can't be any worse