Author Topic: popping and loss of power  (Read 3291 times)

Offline mattt

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popping and loss of power
« on: May 29, 2006, 12:38:03 PM »
Hello, i have fitted a blueflame to my B6 K3, i took it to a friend of a friend who said he would be able to adjust the carbs to the can, he also cleaned out the carbs and air filter and it runs beter. I still get popping and i dont think I have as much power as I did with the stock can, do I have to get a jet kit or not? - The directory for motorcycle enthusiasts.

Offline Seanybiker

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popping and loss of power
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2006, 12:04:08 AM »
I got the popping in my one but I like it. all you need to do is balance the carbs and your sorted. there wont be much of a difference though.

Offline mattt

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popping and loss of power
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2006, 08:10:23 AM »
yeh i dont mind the popping either and he said he balanced the carbs for me but it feels like ive lost some of my midrange with this new can. do you know anyone who has an ivans jet kit to a B6? - The directory for motorcycle enthusiasts.

Offline rider123

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popping and loss of power
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2006, 04:53:56 PM »
The bike in stock form is pretty lean as it is. You adding a pipe without at least adding a shim or turning out the mixture screws leaned it out even further. That's why you have a mid-range hole where the bike needs more fuel to get more power. Look at my sig. I shimmed the needles and drilled out the mixture screws and opened em up to compensate for my muzzy slip on. I'm probably getting an Ivan's kit soon but don't have the time. This setup works well and I have more power than stock but less than with a jet kit.

Balancing the carbs isn't going to do dick except make it slightly smoother. The mid range hole will still be there. Easiest fix without any drilling is adding 1 .020 Radio shack shim to the needles to raise them a bit for more fuel at midrange. Total cost $1.99 and 20 minutes work.

What exactly did your friend do to the carbs?
2005 Bandit 1200, Modified Holeshot Stage 1 with 17.5 pilots 2.75 turns out, and 110 mains 5 shims. Muzzy Slip on w/mid-pipe, stock filter. 1.5" hole in the airbox lid.