Author Topic: What to check on a used Bandit  (Read 5982 times)

Offline gds216

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What to check on a used Bandit
« on: April 20, 2006, 05:50:03 AM »
Two days ago I bought a used red B6 from a local dealership.  I know it's had a recent oil change and chain lube, but that's about it.  I am wondering if there's any particular problems related to the first gen Bandits that I should be aware of?  I rode the bike home and it rides wonderfully, although the touchy throttle will take some getting used to.

A little background on the bike, it's a '96 with just over 13k miles.  Other than the previous owner cutting off the rear fender, it looks like it's still all stock.  The tires and paint look good, and it looks like the bike has only been down in a driveway drop.  Now that I have it in my garage, I intend to give it a top to bottom inspection and I would just like to have an idea of any potential gremlins to look for.

Thanks in advance for any help.  I look forward getting back into the motorcycle community after 14 years away.
1996 Bandit 600S

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What to check on a used Bandit
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2006, 10:46:21 AM »
For any used bike check sterring head bearings,fork seals,chain/sprockets,tires, feel what the rear shock looks like,see if there are service records(I have mine since it was new in 98)check for signs of rust in the nooks and crannies, sound of motor,boogered up bolts and nuts.Even a compression check on older bikes.
  Then you know what you have to put into it if you deside to purchase it.

Offline GaryB12VA

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What to check on a used Bandit
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2006, 04:53:43 PM »
This should pretty much cover everything:
'06 FJR 1300A

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What to check on a used Bandit
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2006, 09:33:56 AM »
Any part that is designed to wear should be inspected and serviced, lubed, or replaced. You may as well write a list, take your time and enjoy it. I would.

Change all fluids, including fork and brake fluids (usually ignored). It's a '96 so I would suspect the rear shock is on its way. You'll need to lube its linkage (usually ignored). Forks may need seals. Pull wheels and check bearings, swingarm, chain links, sprockets. Realize that the front sprocket could do with 1 less tooth - It's got 6 gears - take advantage. Check cables for fraying and lube/adjust. All fasteners and wiring connections clean and tight. Change plugs. Adjust idle and sync carbs. Cam tensioner adjust. Those more anal would also pull the valve cover/adjust and pull the pan and check the screen and check for debris.
I'd do all this because I don't know who had it or how they treated it. It gives great piece of mind when you're on your way to the Dragon and 200 miles from home.

Offline Red01

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What to check on a used Bandit
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2006, 02:35:04 PM »
There's no real Bandit 600 specific weak spots, just the typical stuff you'd look for in anything used.
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Offline gds216

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What to check on a used Bandit
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2006, 11:47:31 PM »
I figured on checking all the wear items and fluids.  However, I didn't think about the rear shock linkage.  What I was really looking for Red01 answered regarding any specific weak spots on the Bandit 600.  Now to start on that list of things to inspect...

Everyone, thanks for the replies and info.
1996 Bandit 600S

Offline tacoman

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« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2006, 02:04:42 PM »
I've got a '97 B6 that I "acquired" so I knew nothing of its prior history.  I just changed the oil, put in new plugs, bought a new battery, lubed chain, did some basic clean up and that was it.  Let the modding begin!  The only issue I had were the footpegs.  They were really loose and I had to shim them up with some nylon washers.  My rear brake requires bleeding once a year as it gets spongy, not sure why.  Anyway, ride and enjoy :motorsmile:

Offline Seanybiker

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What to check on a used Bandit
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2006, 12:14:01 AM »
check fork seals  if they grand no bother. check to make sure enough oil in it. you'd be surprised. check chain and sprocket, its nothing major but you can tell by the wear and tear versus the clock. (which is easy to change)

Offline El Bandito

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carbs and gas mileage
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2006, 01:57:19 PM »
I jsut recently bought my 1g 12b from a dealer.. they did all the regular maint. stuff for me like brake fluid, oil change etc. etc..

one thing I encountered though, is that apparently the bandit carbs are easily susceptible to elongation of the emulsion tubes..  (huh? that's what i said)
the tube inside the carb that the needle drops into wears down quickly (5-10k mi.) from the needle banging back and forth like a little hammer.
it deteriorates quicker with in town cruising.. low speed, low rpm..

so anyway,, pay attention to your gas mileage.. if it totally sucks, that's probably what's going on..

 (i'm sure you'll be getting in there to start some carb mods anyway, so it's worth checking out)..
-some dreams do come true.

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Offline timjim

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600 bandit
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2006, 06:11:57 PM »
If the bikes been dropped,check the right hand side rear foot peg brackets for damage as if the exhaust has been decked it may bend the rear subframe,check for cracked paintwork.Also check the exhaust collector box as Suzuki made it out of chocolate!Theres a stupid shield where the collector meets the silencer pipe..check round there for damage/corrosion.Check rear shock for wear and replacement is change it for a 1200 one! :beers: