Author Topic: K&N Motorcycle Oil Filters  (Read 9767 times)


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K&N Motorcycle Oil Filters
« on: June 23, 2012, 08:18:36 PM »
K&N Motorcycle Oil Filter

I had heard some disparaging things about the K&N Motorcycle Oil Filters, so I wanted to have a look for myself. I have heard many riders say that you are paying a lot of money for a mediocre filter with a $5.00, 17mm nut welded on the end of it. I cut one open to have a look at the filter media and general construction to see if they were with the money, and here is what I found when I opened up a used filter:


A: Heavy steel cartridge housing. It shouldn't buckle with a strap wrench or torquing on the nut, which is welded solidly to the housing.

B: Cut open clockwise from top left.
Glued on top to filter media. It was "very" glued on! No chance of leakage.
The one way anti drain valve was in perfect shape and still very pliable after use.

The outer ring gasket was still very pliable and was also crimped in place on the inside of the threaded top plate.

Heavy steel top plate with lots of threaded bearing surface.

Heavy wall steel housing….lots of protection to rock puncture here.

Treated paper filter media, and lots of it. I don't think you could put more in, with the space available and inside there is a good quality coil type relief spring for the bypass valve.

C: Heavy steel top plate showing the more than adequate threaded area.

D: Top to filter media was very well glued on, I had to chisel a strip out to remove it.

E: Resin impregnated paper filter media. The end folds are crimped together with a steel strip to prevent separation.

F: Good filter media density…not like some others I've cut open like F**M.

G: Gasket.

H: Anti Drain Valve.

I: Other side Anti Drain Valve.

J: Coil spring of the relief valve.

All in all an excellent filter and personally I appreciate the nut. It makes for simple removal on a 1250 Bandit.

I opened up the K&N filter media and measured it. 65" long by 1.25" wide = 81.25 square inches of filter media.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 12:20:35 PM by ywgbandit »


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Re: K&N Motorcycle Oil Filters
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2012, 08:19:56 PM »
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Re: K&N Motorcycle Oil Filters
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2012, 08:20:41 PM »
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