Author Topic: ANY ULYSSIANS OUT THERE  (Read 13610 times)

Offline aussiebandit

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« on: March 15, 2005, 05:38:35 AM »
Got this on email the other day referring to the Ulysses AGM in Canberra.....I think it's an extract from an ABC Radio interview..

Thousands of ageing motorcyclists have been ordered to remove badges from their jackets after a bikie gang threatened to harm them for crossing their turf in Canberra.

About 5,000 members of the Ulysses Club for veteran motorcyclists, aged from 40 to 91, have converged on the national capital for their annual general meeting - in the heart of Rebels Motorcycle Club territory.

The Rebels have threatened Ulysses Club members with violence unless they ditch their rockers - badges placed around the Ulysses logo of an old man in a motorbike helmet which makes the logo look more like a bikie patch.

Ulysses Club national president Rick Bedford has urged all members to get rid of their badges or warned the Rebels would "enlighten them".

The situation came to a head yesterday when the Ulysses and Rebels clubs met after Ulysses members complained of being subjected to threatening behaviour.

The Ulysses Club agreed to issue a directive to its members to remove their rockers.

"They (Rebels) object to the fact that people can join the Ulysses Club, pay a subscription fee and then go out and buy things and that put on stuff imitates a bikie colour patch," Mr Bedford told ABC radio.

"We had a meeting with the Rebels yesterday and they made their point to us.

"We've acceded to their requests and their demands in relation to that."

He said Ulysses was a social club for older motorcyclists and he found it
frustrating some members wanted to appear they were gang members.

"We're not a motorcycle gang, we don't fit their lifestyle and why people in
our club would want to emulate that by looking like them has got me
confused," Mr Bedford said.

"We don't want to tread on their toes.

"We've issued a rule now, an instruction to our members not to wear the
rockers, to remove them from their jackets, and that's an Australia-wide

"Hopefully members will accede and there won't be any violence."

Mr Bedford said the Rebels had assured the Ulysses Club there would be no more trouble if members complied with the new rule.

"The Rebels have offered an open invitation to those members who don't want to comply with our instruction to go out to their clubhouse and talk to them and they'll explain what their lifestyle is about and perhaps enlighten
them," he said.

"That's a choice members who don't want to comply can make." Mr Bedford had a final message for Ulysses members to protect their own

"Don't antagonise the situation, don't stand up on your high horse and think that your civil rights are infringed," he said.

"Just live with the situation and get on and enjoy the party."

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Offline B6mick

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« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2005, 07:30:34 AM »
Hmmm interesting reading. Was woundering when the pooh was goona hit the fan regarding that one.  One of the reasons I would not join the Ulysses club was the way some of the members down here, walk around like $2 outlaws. I am amazed it has been allowed to go on this far. Now having said that, I knew some of the founding members here in Melb in the late 70's and early 80's these guys where all ex outlaws, loved the lifestyle just didn't want to deal with the crap and inter club rubbish. Personally they where pretty cool blokes, and yeh I could see the outlaw clubs had some respect for them, and let it ride. Really it is the same as the HOG (Harley Owners Group) being told a few years back to loose the back patch and rockers. I whole heartedly agree with the Rebels MC on this issue ( see a first time for everything  :shock: ) For Outlaws need wannabe outlaws like a hole in the head, just like the rest of us motorcyclists we need wannabe outlaws like a whole in the head too. No offence intended to any Ulysses members, but as an ex outlaw,  a patch is earnt not bought over the counter when you turn the right old age of 40. End of Rant. :beers:  It is nothing but my opinion.
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2005, 05:30:59 AM »
I have to agree with you Mick.   I may wear black leather and have black helmet with a dark visor and ride a black bike - but it's all just a co-incidence.  

Unless you want to look like a "Power Ranger" you've got to wear black - there's not too many other options in leather.  The black helmet I bought because it was the right price - cheap, and the bikes black because I hate the look of the blue bandits - I really wanted a deep red one but the 02 model only came in Black or Blue/Black.

I was surprised by the article because, in my ignorance, I thought the old farts more or less had an exemption...but I was obviously wrong.

We really don't need any wannabes - because they're usually to ones that cause the problems for Mr Joe Public.

When my wife worked for the local HD dealer she had more problems with 20 year old wannabes than the 'hardened' outlaw guys - The outlaws would listen when told to settle down or "no service" whereas the wannabes would do the "Do you know who I am" routine.

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Offline Red01

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« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2005, 06:49:23 AM »
I find it odd/funny/strange that it's come to a beat down threat. . . and the peaceful, goodguy club is just gonna roll over and let this bunch of hoods tell then what they can/can't wear. I could see then getting their panties in a wad if the Ulyssian's were wearing Rebel's colors, but what gives them (Rebels) the right to tell someone they can't wear their own club's colors?

Personally, I wouldn't WANT someone to think I was an outlaw, that one reason I don't care to own a cruiser and a pirate outfit...
I'd rather pass them at 100 mph over the speed limit and have them think I'm a suicidal maniac on a crotch rocket.  :oops:

If it got like this in the USA, there'd be a bunch of upset doctors, dentists and lawyers... with enough politcal pull to cause even harder harassment to come down on anyone wearing 1%er club colors.

I think they're smarter to let things be and they'd blend into the scene and be less likely to get messed with by  :cop:
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2005, 07:29:35 AM »
On the Ulysess web site there's quite a few posts relating to this issue - basically it appears the problems stemmed from some "newbies" not just to the Ulsyess but to motorcycling as well.

A lot of Ulysess members are ex 'outlaws' that have gotten sick of the inter club shyte and the "dedication" needed to be in an outlaw club.

What you say Paul is quite right - why should someone be able to tell someone else what they can and can't wear.  What is strange is that there are roughly 26,000 Ulysess members Australia wide and bugger all "active" outlaws.

Just out of interest Paul, do you have the Ulysess in the US or something similar.

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Offline Red01

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« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2005, 11:53:13 PM »
Not to my knowledge... the closest thing would be the CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association) which many members wear the "colors" of. Their patch more resembles the American Motorcycle Association's old logo, but with Christian stuff (Cross, praying hands, etc.) in the center. There's also several Gold Wing related clubs that may wear large club logos. Then there's Harley's HOG group that has over-the-counter colors any Joe/Jane can walk in and buy to sew on their favorite wear...
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Offline B6mick

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« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2005, 05:22:40 AM »
Well, you see the back patch and rockers thru out the histroy of the outlaw motorcyclist, has been a tradition dating back to just after the WW2, Now the uniform and insignia of any state police officer is only worn by officers of that state, the uniforn and insignia of the armed services is only worn by service men or women in that service . In both cases if just any joe blow was to wear either of these 2 examples of a uniform and insignia they would very quickly in the pooh, do we agree on that? The outlaw uniforn is the rockers and patch. Outlaw clubs in general have no problem with most social type clubs, until such time as colors are flown. The  Ulyssian's have in the past been given a certain amount of leaway, as most of its members years ago as stated ex and retired members of full outlaw clubs. But as motorcyling has reached here in Oz a resurgance of interest, and a hell of a lot of born again riders, some of the Ulyssian's, and I do state some, whom I would suggest more of the born again type, think that they have a patch, and can walk around struting their stuff on outlaw turf, clubhouse etc. It had to happen, once again the wannabe element, has trodden on toes, and the rest must suffer from it. Its been brewing for years, and now the Rebels being one of the biggest outlaw clubs in Oz, they would need to be seen doing the right thing by its other affiliate clubs. As for the leadwing clubs etc there in the states, maybe here in Oz we hold tradition a bit more highly. The Rebels, Have never said don't wear black leathers or vests, dont wear black helmuts, dont wear wrap around sunnies, is all they have said is dont wear a back patch and rockers, unless you are a member of a true and affiliated outlaw club. fair enough. :beers: As for HOG they made total idiots of themselves at outlaw clubhouses and the cops used this method to gain entry, into the outlaw world. Again the few stuffing it up for the rest but thats life folks :duh:
Now if the Ulyssian's do comply with the Rebels request, demand what ever you wish to call it, I then may even consider joining them as a member, But until they do, the respect I still hold for tradition of the rocker and patch, will prevent me from doing so.
Anyway end of rant, and I must finish packing the bikes for tomorrows road trip, see ya saturday Aussie.
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2005, 07:23:25 AM »

Just to fill you in a bit on the Ulysess.  They are a national club dedicated to old farts - you've got to be 40 to join as a junior.   They get involved with politics and organise most of the 'Toy Runs'.  If you're a member of the Ulysess you can get cheaper insurance and a lot of suppliers/manufactures offer discounts to member.  

All pretty good stuff.  However, some of the real old farts are ex outlaws who know all to well what the 'Patch' is all about.  Others are simply old bikers - like myself (I'm nearly old enough to be a Junior member, 40 in August) who know or have known outlaw club members and again understand what the 'patch' represents.  Then you've got the mid life crisis, separted from the wife didn't want the red sports car so got their licence and bought the latest HD or BMW and payed extrodinary amounts of dollars to get "the look". It's this last group that are a right royal pain in the arse and cause problems for everyone.

Personally I find the whole Ulysess thing a bit much to take.  Basically, from what I understand, on their rides 'thou shalt not pass the road captain".  Even if the old prick is doing 80 in 110 zone you can't pass him - if you do you'll be asked to leave and not come back.  If the road captain is doing 120 in a 100 zone you have to keep up or get left behind.

I ride with a social bike club called the Redback Tourers Wagga Wagga NSW Inc.  We don't have any real rules and regulations - we do have constition because you need one by law.  But, we don't care what you ride, the only reason we have a lead bike is because "someones got to be in front" and "who the F%^k knows where we're going today".  We have a 'tail end charlie" to keep an eye on any newbies and offer advice and help as needed besides "Someones got to be at the back".  If you want to go past whose ever leading, go for it. But if you get lost that's your problem not ours.

Hey Mick have you read the book "The Brotherhood". It's about the Austrialian Outlaw club scene.  The history, the clubs, and the future. It's not a bad read - I learnt a hellava lot.  But this one killed me.

"The coffin cheaters in WA have a no smoking rule in their clubhouse"

It sort of goes against the image doesn't it

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Offline PeteSC

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« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2005, 08:32:37 AM »
I think most of the riders you see in 'outlaw' garb are posers here in the US.    A lot of bike clubs have the 'outlaw' like patches with rockers here.
  The 'real' outlaws are a pretty small group, and the Hells Angels are more into conducting shady business, than enforcing dress codes!
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2005, 08:59:46 AM »
That tends to be to go here to, it just seems that the Rebels got a bee in their bonnet and decided to have a go at the Ulysess.

I was talking to one of the local Ulysessians, also happens to ride with the Redbacks, who said he saw no problems, he didn't even see a Rebel.  Ron reckons that a lot of it was media hype and nothing more.  However, he did confirm that the national president and executive of the Ulysess passed a "law" stating that all members were to remove the rockers from their cut-offs.

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Offline B6mick

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« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2005, 01:00:56 AM »
I think most of the riders you see in 'outlaw' garb are posers here in the US. A lot of bike clubs have the 'outlaw' like patches with rockers here.
The 'real' outlaws are a pretty small group, and the Hells Angels are more into conducting shady business, than enforcing dress codes!

That may well be the case state side, but I can tell you here in Melbourne and Sydney, that the whole outlaw schene is alive and well in fact huge. And if anyone is foolish enough to dismiss the rebel demands as BS would soon be shown the error of their ways. Just ask those from the HOG in Melb who refused to remove the patch and rockers, when it was respectfully put to them.
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2005, 06:09:19 AM »
Very true Mick...Did you hear about the latest shooting in Sydney..they're talking new bikie wars.

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Offline Red01

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« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2005, 09:45:46 PM »
A SHOOTING IN OZ?!  :shock:

I thought you guys outlawed guns...  :stickpoke:  :monkeymoon:
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Offline PeteSC

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« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2005, 10:50:58 PM »
Must be using blowguns, Paul! :stickpoke:
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline B6mick

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« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2005, 05:26:55 AM »
I thought you guys outlawed guns....

Yes thats right, and its only the law abiding citzens that it affects.
Just like you guys way back when booze was outlawed. Nothing like banning something to keep the black market going. :duh:

Did you hear about the latest shooting in Sydney..they're talking new bikie wars.

No I had not, whos at it now.
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