Author Topic: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, ffffffffffffffffffffffffff*#* its ccccccccccold.  (Read 8493 times)

Offline B6mick

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Awoke this morning in dire need of an attitude adjustment, looked out the window, hmmmm, low cloud, but some sun. Fed the little fella, while the minister layed back and enjoyed the piece and quite..... HeHeHe  :duh: with 2 weeks too go before the next, little begger comes into our world, and with strict orders from the doc to lie down with her feet up, or be forced to do it in hospital :yikes: So the ministers friend turns up, you wee little ripper. Me looks at Bandit the dog, and he must have read my mind, cause he went nuts and ran for the shed, with me in hot pursuit.

Hmmm, which way to head, hmmm, think I made the wrong choise. Hills or the beach, I went the hills. Cold wet and icy, but the funny thing is my attitude is just fine. go figure.

Just goes to show, a shitty days riding is aways better than a good day at work. :motorsmile: And I think even Bandit will back me on that.....  :thumb:
Foot loose and fancy free.
Looking for adventure and what ever comes our way.

Offline innercent

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Re: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, ffffffffffffffffffffffffff*#* its ccccccccccold.
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2008, 12:44:52 AM »
True true true ........
I actually prefer riding in Winter than Summer.....
Yes it is f***ing cold, but I feel refreshed, especially when there are fog in the air ..... As for Summer, well, we get Smogs instead of Fog, and Hot Stinky Air , and lots of sweat and heat ......

Definitely prefer Leather + Cold day over Hot Sweaty Smogged out Summer without any protective clothing.....

PS - now it reminds me, I can start invest in some summer gears, since it is supposed to be on sales.......
1990 GSF250 - Stock items with lots of parts need to cleaned and changed