Author Topic: Check out the weather down here.  (Read 3395 times)

Offline B6mick

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Check out the weather down here.
« on: October 28, 2007, 06:52:08 AM »
wooohooo, its riding weather. :bigok:
wow, didn't get to go for my saturday ride, however, I did end up with some time to kill saturday night.
The minister, had done what she need to get done, and the rest could be put off.
So bugger it we jumped on the B6, and did a couple of hours 2 up.
I tell ya after the good old shikos had got some heat into them, and a few nice corners, the love affair was quickly reignited, f*#* I really do love everything about the 600, even 2 up damn it, its so much fun it should be illegal, :wink: shhhh I know it was.   :stfu:
Foot loose and fancy free.
Looking for adventure and what ever comes our way.

Offline aussiebandit

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Re: Check out the weather down here.
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2007, 07:23:30 AM »
I had a weekend full of motorcycle stuff.

Saturday was the 'official' launch of the 2007 Wagga Toy Run and yours truly was the designated Toll Rep - basically I had to stand up in front of everyone, make a short speach (and it was very short) and hand over a cheque to the organising committee, that took all of 5 minutes. The rest of the morning was spent dribbling shyte with everyone else, as you do.

Sunday the Redback's (well 7 of us, including 1 pillion) met at Macca's and initially decided that a ride to Holbrook, on to Jingellic, Tumbarumba, Rosewood, Humula and back to Wagga was the way to go.  Then just as we were putting out the smokes, throwing the coffee 'cups' into the bin, some sort of wet stuff started falling from the sky.  After a 10 minute discussion on what it actually was, and looking to the heaven's, we decided that we'd certainly ride to Holbrook and visit the bakery for brunch, then make a decision from there.

I got a couple of the newbies a bit lost when I made and unexpected (to them) left turn on to a non descript looking road.  About 50km later when we reached the 'doom' hwy and had a short stop and everyone was smiling, wet, but smiling. 

Then after brunch at Holbrook, descretion was the order of the day, and we decided to head back to Wagga. To say the wind had picked up would be a gross understatement.  I felt sorry for 2 of the 'newbies', one on a GPX250 (Dave) and the other on a KLR650 (yes "the eldest"), as I was having trouble maintaining road speed and postion.  In fact at one point both Dave and "The Eldest" decided that the only safe speed for them was to be parked on the side of the road in the hope that the wind would calm down, that was never going to happen.  After convincing them to keep going, I thought I'd best go 'tail end charlie' and keep an eye on them.  How 'the eldest' managed to keep the bike on the road has me stuffed.  Anyway we all got home safely and agreed that even though it wasn't the best weather, it was still a bloody good ride.

Oh and just for the record, I don't think it'll be long before 'the eldest' seriously considers replacing the KLR with something a bit bigger.  I've never met anyone who, until a year ago, had never ridden a motorcycle be able to ride as well as he can.  Unfortunately, if he's not carefull, he'll get a bit over confident and it'll bite him in the arse.


"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline willo

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Re: Check out the weather down here.
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2007, 08:50:13 PM »
I was down in NSW that weekend. On the Thursday 5 bikes left Logan at about 1130am, down through Beaudesert to Boonah onto Warick then onto Glen Innis. rode down Moonbi's at night in the worst storm they reckon they have had there in 15 years (scary)  reached Tamworth about 8pm soaking wet. Met up with 4 riders from Sydney Friday went to Power house museum. Sat morn 9 bikes headed back to Walcha did the Oxley hwy (in beautiful whether) that road is every thing I have heard +more. Then down to Nabiac bike museum after a few hours there (not enough) the two groups split up, we headed up to Port Macquarie for the night. Sunday a quiet ride up the hwy to Grafton, then off through Casino, Kyogle,Rathdowny, Beaudesert then home. Top weekend had by all Graham. :burnout: :burnout: