Author Topic: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive  (Read 21949 times)

Offline B6mick

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You know after 50 efen years, I’m still amazed at how low people will go.
We all know how devastating the Victorian fires have been, we all, are amazed at the courage of all who have stepped up to the plate, to fight the fires, the interstate fire fighting crews, the Kiwi’s, the Canadians and the Americans, all fighting together to control these huge fire fronts.
The money and goods raised for disaster relief is just totally amazing, people in this current economic time, digging deep into their pockets and helping out. People from overseas pitching in too, its gob smacking amazing.

But then, just to bring you down to earth, some greedy assed law firm sticks its hands up and say we’ll sue, for all those affected in a class action…..
Now having had dealings with this particular law firm, and being privy to information on the company being sued, and the government service who advised that company, I reckon I have the right to steal the term, shame, shame, shame.

So now I need to explain the entire above paragraph. The law firm, yes they come across as the people’s friend, the stalwart of the downtrodden, cough bullshyte cough, the law firm with the no win no charge slogan with no up front fees. F*#* how good is that, well let me tell you, should you win the case, which you probably will, because quite simply they don’t take on cases they ain’t gonna win, you are not gonna have to much to celebrate when you finally get your bucks minus their fees of course, by my experience maybe 20 percent….So one has to ask the question who really is gonna be the winner here in a class action against a electricity provider.?  Yep yah don’t need to be a f*#*en brain surgeon, to work it out, the law firm who can only exist upon the misery of others. Shame, shame, shame.

Now here is a slight twist, the coroner has yet to decide if the electricity provider was in anyway at fault, so the law firm in question, it’s a bit of jumping the gun, or should I say looking for a way to line its pockets.

I do have a little bit of a insider’s view of the goings on here, as I was in the electricity supply game for some years. When Victoria got Jeffed, all the Victorian electrical supply councils and commission got sold off, to private enterprise, nothing wrong with that, I’m all for private enterprise, but its who we sold them too, I have a problem with. Most where multi national offshore, companies, only interested in making a buck for shareholders. So the company that had the area, (please take particular note of the word HAD) did just that, and why the f*#* shouldn’t they, that’s what private enterprises do, they make money for themselves. And upon advice from the Department of Substainabity and the Environment they did not invest huge sums of money in up grading the system. Why? Because they where told of this very disaster, the DSE had its hands tied and was not allowed to keep up the fire fuel reduction programs, thanks to the greenie hippy element who had wormed its way into federal, state and local governments. So then, why would a multi national company spend millions of dollars on upgrading its assets with the full knowledge that at any given time it would, (not could) lose them? But as luck would have it that company, lost it’s contract not to long ago, so now some new Johnny come lately company is left holding the bag…. How Australian is that, sue the hell out a company caught with its pants down, so to speak.

But as I said, the law firm, aren’t really interested in the real truth, or persecuting the real perpetrators of this huge disaster, no, their only real interest is money, money in their hip pocket, at the expense of the truth, and of course at the expense of the misery of those affected by the fires.

And while I’m on the subject of the misery mongers of the world, how the f*#* do the top end managers of the Pacific Brands sleep at night, give themselves up to 180% pay rises, while being given millions of tax payers dollars for new plant as well as R&D while all along plotting the sacking of a shyte load of its workers….
Greed, greed, greed, shame, shame, shame.

Buy Australian, hell no, never again will I buy Dunlop light truck tyres for my work vans, bonds underdacs, holeproof socks, just to put an extra buck in the pocket of some efen greedy executive, it was supposed to be buy Australian and keep Australian jobs. Kinda makes a mockery of that saying don’t it.

How low can this country go, when we let shyte like this go on, and on and on?
Come on Aussie’s come on. On one hand we are the greatest country on earth, with our ethos, our fare go lifestyle, our willingness to live and let live, yet we support scum  (sorry to those of the south coast united motorcyclists) I mean the real scum, the bottom of the pond, type. Boycott the f*#*ers, don’t buy their goods or services, send them a clear message, f*#* off we don’t want you or your type, your truly Un-Australian.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 11:55:39 PM by B6mick »
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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2009, 06:02:44 AM »
The gutless Victorian Government, in its true style of being seen to be doing something positive, has now introduced effective immediately new building codes for high fire risk regions of the state.
In part I do however agree in part, but it does not address the real problem, and it will certainly not save lives should we ever endure the fire storms of the ferocity of Black Saturday.
The new building code requires all structures to be built on a concrete slab, no longer will one be allowed to build on stumps. This has both pros and cons. But I do agree, it would improve safety to the house.
But the one that just F*#*s me over sideways is the mandatory fitting of window shutters.
Hello, please someone explain to this dumb Aussie f*#*wit how the fitting of window shutters is going to save lives save houses. Am I the only f*#*er who took notice of the wrecked and burnt out cars….. None of them had wheels…..The fire storm was so intense the wheels had melted off the cars, me automatically thinks that’s furnace temps, Hmmm me thinks alloy wheels, hmmm thin alloy or steel shutters, am I the only one seeing it now. Houses and cars where actually catching fire well before the fire front hit. Am I making a point yet?  We are not talking a firestorm canopy fire, we are talking the very worst fire, I’ll give it a name hellfire, from ground level to forest tree canopy fire all in one, the solid wall of fire.
When will the Government stop side stepping the real and only issue that governed the true ferocity of the fires, the same real issues it’s own departments have been warning it for more years than I care to remember. Oh that’s right we need to appease the greenie/ hippie dropkicks don’t we? don’t bother me with the bullshyte rhetoric, can’t you hear the trees crying?, how can I you dumb f*#*, there all f*#*ing dead.

Now all the government has done, is make it harder for the battler, that’s already lost everything, now when they rebuild it will cost at least 20 grand more to rebuild to the new code, who f*#*en pockets are they lining now.

Think I should start up a window shutter fitting business, with 1,800 houses gone I’m sure to get my fare share of business being a valley local, sorry just a sick joke, I couldn’t bring myself to prosper from the misery of my fellow man, unlike some.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2009, 06:08:46 AM by B6mick »
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Offline aussiebandit

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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2009, 03:55:16 AM »
I'm sorry if this offends our friends in the US, but forchristssake, we are becoming more and more like the bloody yanks all the time.  If something goes wrong, hey who can we sue.

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline B6mick

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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2009, 05:46:17 AM »
I'm sorry if this offends our friends in the US, but forchristssake, we are becoming more and more like the bloody yanks all the time.  If something goes wrong, hey who can we sue.

I didn't  :iddi: say that :stickpoke:
But I must admit to to thinking it :grin:

But Pacific Brands has got a bee in my bonnet at the moment :banghead: Now we hear how they sponcered some clothing show, at a cost of a cool half a mill, and at the time had already planned the sacking of 1850 workers.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 11:11:41 PM by B6mick »
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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2009, 05:48:09 AM »
And yet another twist in the sad assed story of Pacific Brands, now they are spending, $50,000 a month for spin doctors to bolster their sagging image.....

Why don't they just admit to screwing the shareholder, cough efen cough, with a share price of $0.50. Bet ya the shareholder are feeling a bit hollow round the anal passage, it’s from being reamed with a barge pole, screwing the Aussie public, screwing the federal government, and of course screwing the poor suckers who once worked for them. All while, life seems pretty f*#*en good for those top end executives.
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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2009, 11:34:17 PM »
Last weekend my good woman and I headed North through some of the fire affected area, on our way to the Red backs once bitten rally. Man I have seen the devastation of bushfires before, but nothing like this one. We rode nth out of Healesville, and straight away we could see the scaring of Chum creek, Mt Riddle, but the saddest part was the Black spur itself, and with the undergrowth gone, you can still see the hundreds upon thousands of tons, forest floor fuel, partially burnt yes, but still there. It’s really not hard to see why Black Saturday happened, of should I say why it showed no mercy.

Then you ride though Narbethong, a township nestled between 2 mountain ranges, words can not describe it, its just not the place we knew. And for miles and miles the country side is just blackened and stripped bare. Narby was one of the lucky townships, I’m not looking forward to seeing Marysville, but from the highway we were on, you could plainly see the fires path after hitting Marysville, as the winds fanned it up the Valley toward Buxton.

I was involved with clean up operations after the 83 Ash Wednesday fires, and we thought that was bad, well Ash Wednesday fires, where nothing more than Black Saturdays little bitch.

But the most amazing thing is all the pasture paddocks are lush green. 50mm of rain, its kinda strange, blackened trees burnt out buildings everywhere, and green pasture.
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Offline B6mick

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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2009, 03:30:56 AM »
Well well well, 3 years outta the saddle as a full time motorcycle courier. How little things change. Yes the good women started back as a 2 sometimes 3 days a week motorcycle courier, well as the bandit is now having some extensive electrical work, (more about that in another rant) so the dear woman is bike less and not wishing to tackle CBD work on the REX, and fare enough, I’ve been kinda left holding the bunny, so to speak.

Well, one must add, what perfect weather to be welcomed back to the game with, mid to high 20c, light breezes, just delightful. But I did kinda forget, the games people play in freak hour traffic, and how a motorcycle making progress in traffic sends some cage drivers into certifiable nutcases. It didn’t take to long to get back in the swing, with a couple of run ins, with Mr. and don’t forget the even fouler mouthed Mrs. Nutcase.

I soon found my feet, and had the barge of a REX lane splitting like a chook chaser on steroids, no wonder I was so skinny as a bike courier, my body feed on nothing more than adrenalin. So Thursday was great day, made good money, the boss, and his clients suitability impressed, just a couple of minor wake up calls to jog the memory bank. :motorsmile:

But Friday, oh my god, f*#* me, did I forget all about Fridays. No, not the last minute Friday rush, work wise. No the Friday afternoon blues, suffered by what seems to me anyway 90% of the work force who drive home Friday afternoon. F*#* me standing and or sideways, it’s like they turned on the ignition key and as the engine fired up the driver automatically turned in to a psychopathic murderous asshole. And trust me when I say the women folk are the worst. One such lovely, for reasons beyond me, drove up beside me hurling abuse that made me blush, cough f*#*en cough, and told me in no uncertain terms how she was going to send (No less) uncle chop chop,(Chopper Reid) around to see me. My only crime being that I at one stage of her trip home passed her. Hmmmm, and she has a job. I know how she keeps it, by threatening the boss, if he/she was to sack her, she’ll send around her brother Osama Bin Laden.

So I removed her side mirror, and calmly told her “uncle chop chop can come get it, and that she could remove it from his asshole”.

Which brings me to the next encounter, can I ride?, f*#* yeah, the REX, the chook chaser on steroids, Mr. electrician  from Chirnside Park, (why is it that people who have their name address and phone number on their vehicle drive even worse) who looked me in the eye, then changed lanes, almost sending me into the car on my other side, and waving at me at the same time, like hello what the f*#* are you thinking mate, by waving in a friendly manner all while trying to kill me, makes it right. With all the psychotic road ragers out there would it not be sensible with ya name address and phone number plastered over ya vehicle to drive very very nicely, but then again that would be another trifle of common f*#*en sense. But I have this thing about karma, one day his gonna do the same shyte to a nutter bigger and greater than himself, and his lovely nice wave will be meet with the sight hand gun aimed at his stupid little head. That’s the f*#*en Karma, I’m talken about.

Then there is Mr. Just got my license (green P plate) who just driven out of a car wash and eager to get home, who cuts across my bow, all while dumping copious amounts of soapy water and shyte in my path, and being a spectacle wearer the water was a real unwanted nuisance (as spectacles don’t have wipers) so at the first safe opportunity, I opened up the taps called fuel air mixers, and departed from the annoyance. Oh no the poor little boy, couldn’t deal with being passed forthwith, floored his big cough efen cough V8 to chase me down, now I’m not partial to hemorrhoids and certainly not the ones that are the size of an aussie built V8. So the squid position was selected on the brain switch, as sticking around was just a very nasty accident waiting for a place to happen. So for the last 20 odd k’s to home, we had some fun. Fun being, staying 3 cars a head of before mentioned dickhead. Fun being, watching the fuel gauge move quicker than the tacho. Fun being you’re on my roads now sucker, these here roads, chicken shit are rider’s roads. I don’t know what happened to Mr. Just got my license, and to be frankly honest I don’t f*#*en care, but all of a sudden, his no longer there.

Friday afternoons to the lowly motorcycle courier, are what full moons are to the constabulary and medical staff at hospitals.  :trustme:

Welcome back! :duh:
« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 04:04:25 AM by B6mick »
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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2009, 11:19:03 PM »
My eldest twin boys, and their cricket team, made it into the grand final, and rang me (from an anonymous mob phone) today 5 minutes from the start of play, asking me if I could spare the time to watch them play.
So the good woman and I dash around the house, dressing to two youngest, packing food and drinks, so we finally rock up at the ground 20 minutes after the start of play. Jake has already been out to bat and was dismissed for 4. Not real good for an opening bat but worse still, we missed it. But Sean was next to bat, their team was copping a wiping, and not long after making ourselves comfortable, Sean strode out to centre. The first three balls he faced where no balls, at over shoulder height, and at a pace I would call intimidating, But he stood his ground, and dispatched the very next ball with a delightfully timed glance, to get off the mark. He played some really nice strokes, before being bowled to a very dubious ball, but hey it’s a cricket game, played for fun not sheep stations.

So there you have it, a beautiful day in the country, watching ya sons play the game they both get lots of enjoyment from. Sounds great don’t it? It was! Then the phone squawked, a message, hmmmm, don’t know that number, hmmmm, started to read, and the ass end dropped out of my world….. It was one of those oh so luvin messages from the ex. For the last 10 years, I’ve been copping bullshyte like this, abuse over this and that, f*#* me its little wonder I didn’t get blamed for the Black Saturday fires. In fact until the boys rang me this morning she didn’t have my number……. Another abusive message about child support payments……..Grrrrrrrr…… Want to make my blood boil, it’s the perfect way……Grrrrr… I used to have a private agreement with my ex, see would put her hand out for money, and I would dig deep into my pocket and empty it every time….. Mind you paying much much more than required by law. Mind you it was not regular, but over a given period it still exceeded what was required by law. But silly me, no efen stupid me thought, all is sweet, we are getting along fine, I don’t need to document this…. WRONG. The first time she put her hand out and I turned out my pocket to reveal that I was in fact broke, due to this and that, all bloody hell broke lose.

So she started denying me access to the boys, wouldn’t turn up at court for hearings to solve this either, she went of running to the child support agency, etc etc etc.
Well we as in me and Donna got all that sorted, and we now play them, the child support agency the required amount of child support. This in fact put more money in our pocket and less in hers. The perfect case of, cutting off your nose to spite your own face. But shyte you not it took months of being probed by the tax department, and the child support agency, to clear our names. And I still have no legal right to access to my boys, but they the boys are beginning to wake up, and they are asking to see me. The problem for the ex is today they witnessed first hand the spitefulness of their mother towards me, and my new family.

Yes another nail in her coffin, but really for what? I don’t understand it, come to think of it I don’t want to. She got me out of her life, she got what she wanted, I’ve done everything morally right, yes I f*#*ed up and didn’t get the payments I made directly to her, in the form of cash, signed for. I’ve left her well alone to do as she pleases, without comment or condemnation, the fact is I just don’t f*#*en care, if she wishes to bong her life away, and drink herself stupid, that’s her right. The boys are a wake up to the drugs, and I have no fear of them getting involved, they are being housed and feed well, but for f*#* sake, she wants more money out of me….. Hello what is it she don’t get. I’m not her husband no more, but the really f*#*ed up thing is she can still afford to buy smokes, booze, and dope….. F*#* me standing woman, give up the cancer sticks, if she still smokes 25 plus sticks a day, that’s gotta be $14 maybe $15 a day, arh hello that’s $100.00 a week. I don’t know what a g of dope is worth these days, but going on the prices I would pay way back when, and she’s doing a couple of those too, so without giving up on the booze she could well be $150.00 a week better off.

So what the f*#* can she be thinking? if she could think past the drug and booze induced haze, it wouldn’t take a brain surgeon to work out with all the government hand outs she get, she is better off than us financially, we work our asses off, run our own business, plus work other jobs, pay our taxes pay my child support, and pay all those expenses associated with owning a business, but because we are making something of our lives, and crawling away at making life better for ourselves, she thinks she has the right to drag us backwards, so she can keep her lifestyle of doing sweet f*#* all, getting stoned off her face, and pissed as a fart, at my expense and at the expense of my new family.

I have, distanced myself from her, like today as we drove into the oval I spotted her car, then her, and drove to very other side of the ground, and parked, I don’t want public displays of hatred, I just couldn’t be f*#*ed, I’ve to be quite frank, got better things to do.
When Jake won a scholarship at High School for music at the award night Donna and I had to sneak in, cause she didn’t want us to know, and when she found out that we knew all merry hell broke loose, and when she found out we where there, been and gone, the poor year coordinator, copped a right royal serve.

It would be oh so easy to turn my back on my boys and I understand why many men do so. It’s so easy to understand why men loose it and to stop the misery, give their ex a hollow point lead injection. Isn’t it funny the person that wants, or should I say instigates the, move on, often doesn’t, then spends the rest of their miserable life trying to hold back their ex’s.
 :rant2: :banghead: :rant2: :banghead: :annoy: :annoy:
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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2009, 09:06:15 PM »
Well, well, f*#*en well!
Yes, you’re right, you clever little lot, that 3 holes in the ground.
Feeling like ya being treated like a numpty, well ya bloody well right.

Cause that’s how I reckon, I’m being treated, and I reckon most bloody Victorians should be up in arms, because to be quite frank (Just as a matter of interest, who the f*#* is Frank, and while I’m on about Frank who is Frankly?) the biggest actions of guilt, without actually admitting guilt, are being undertaken right under our noses.
What the f*#* are you on about B6?, I hear. Well sit your ass down and I’ll tell ya.

7 weeks after the single worst bush fires in Victoria’s, if not Australia’s, written history, the State Government is finally undertaking forest floor fuel reduction. After 10 plus years of pandering to the idealists, the uneducated, the mentally challenged, and of course the curse of this state, the mindless greenies.

Now don’t get me totally wrong, I’m not the bloke that was sung about in the song, “I’m an asshole”, I’m not a total efen redneck, fact is I’m kinda green. But there is a line that would separate the green, from the totally mindless greenie. Lets for the sake of an argument call it, being sensible, using the grey matter, and seeing that common efen sense must prevail for us, the critters, the trees, and our water catchment areas to survive.

Finally the state government can see it, oh silly me there is no vote to be won here (sorry taking 5 minutes out to smack myself around the head) With the Royal commission well under way it would seem, I’m not the only person round here feed up with the total crap we have been served, and we would quite simply know more about the bush than the half educated, dope smoking, drop out, greenie with the half baked misguided delusion, that they are saving the world.
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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2009, 09:26:35 PM »
I'm sorry if this offends our friends in the US, but forchristssake, we are becoming more and more like the bloody yanks all the time.  If something goes wrong, hey who can we sue.
Hey no offense to me anyway, I am 3/8 Cherokee Indian and live in Tahlequah, OK the World head quarters of the Cherokee Nation.
I am very ashamed for the U. S. Gov and the U.S. Companies (Stock Market)!
Oh by the way we (Cherokee’s) DO NOT support or recognize Columbus Day.
I have a Tee shirt that says
“Homeland Security”
“Defending our nations boarders since 1492”
With Pictures of 5 famous Indian Chiefs on it.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 09:28:11 PM by Dragbike »
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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2009, 07:56:24 AM »
Yeah yeah the B6 lives, yeah. :thumb:

This one had me thrown for a while, with much brain strain, swearing, and  :banghead:

Turn the key to on up would come the lights idiot lights, sometimes, hit the horn, turn switch, or start switch, everything would die. no idiot lights nothing. But the kicker was sometimes the horn would work sometimes it wouldn't same goes for the turn signals and everything else. nothing constistant. I was even, wondering if my tester was on the blink.

So it was systemmaticly pull the thing apart, starter relay, igniton relay, starter motor out, and tested out ok but the brushes where well beyond servicable limits, down to 6mm :yikes:

Found heaps of bad connections, mainly earths so a partial rewire was the order of the day.

But what was the problem? The battery, its holding a good 13.4V
but under some loads it was breaking down and open curcuiting.
2 minutes later the curcuit would cool and close curcuit again :banghead:

yeah ha, the good woman can go be the idiot motorcycle courier this week. :clap:

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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2009, 04:13:43 AM »
Bet ya have one at your work, at the company ya work for, the company ya sub contract to, the company you are contracted too. Even being a independent contractor as we are.

The lowlife, 2 faced, turn coat. Every bodies best friend, Mr. F*#*en popularity, sails the winds, of managements thoughts. The sort of bloke back in high school that was taken behind the shelter sheds, shown the wrongs of his ways. Grrrrrrrr.

The one more that happy to start up shyte, but when someone, like me who has the gonads, to stand up too, his 2 facedness, he goes off running screaming and crying, like a little girl.

If ya want to spend ya life being a girl, that’s fine, I like girls.
But for Christ sakes, a grown man, my 13 year old step daughters got more spine, come to think of it, I’ve seen jelly fish with more of a spine.

Bring back the old ways, where men where men, and the chicken livered scurvy dogs, walked the plank.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2009, 04:19:38 AM by B6mick »
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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2009, 11:31:56 PM »
Just got back from the traditional ANZAC dawn service. Myself, and Jim a mate, having been invited along to ride, and pay homage to the memory, of all servicemen and women, alongside the Gippsland chapter of the Vietnam Vets. :thumb:

F*#* we are a proud lot, and so the f*#* we should be.

Lest we forget.

To the Vietnam Vets. Gippsland Chapter :bigok:

To all Aussies, don't forget to raise ya glass. :beers:
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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2009, 04:29:35 AM »
ANZAC day has taken on new meaning for me.  For 13 years I only missed one march - being a serving member of the RAAF helped ofcourse.  I got out of the RAAF in 1999 and it sort lost a bit meaning for me, lost my 'faith' if you like.

Now with my eldest son being in the Army, I'm again a true believer. Even to the point where I'm actually going to contact the RSL and/or Veterans affairs and claim the medal I'm entitled to.  I'd never bothered before because I considered it a 'bullshit' medal given to every member of the ADF who served their intial sign up period.  But my son, god bless him, said "Dad don't be a phucktard, you served your country for 13 years and even though you didn't see serve in a combat role, you did do your bit for the country and for that you deserve a medal".

Lest We Forget.

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Re: The Rantings and ravings of a pissed off B6Mick.... Offensive
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2009, 01:30:28 PM »
 :beers: to ALL vets, from all countries!  :beers:
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