Donna is doing ok mate, laid up indoors with the air con filtering the worst of the smoke out. Its me on the road 12 to 13 hrs a day not dealing with the smoke to well. My throat is red raw, and dinner generally stays down till about bed time. The worst was thursday, friday and saturday, mixed with the well above 30c temps, makes for a rather uncomfortable life. Sunday was a real hot one but a change in wind direction helped. Well is all I can say about the fires is, Mr efen Bracks, you spineless bastard, you cowered to the greenies, and this what you get, and to make it worse, me and many like me told you so, you bloody idot. Now that I've had my little bitch, I'll step down from my soapbox and tell you all of my loverly little ride on sunday arvo, NOT. Not very often you here me mutter the words to hot to ride, but it was. I hated ever minute of that 2 hr ride. Yes I'm wondering too, why did I bother, I don't Know, and I will say in my defence, I was in grave need of a attitude adjustment