Author Topic: Corbin's yearly price adjustment!  (Read 3080 times)

Offline Daytona

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Corbin's yearly price adjustment!
« on: September 24, 2005, 07:17:22 PM »
Go figure! Got a new bike? "less", those of us with older Too bad!!! for those who are selling gunfighter's! :crybaby: : or those who just purchased one!!! Gun & Lady better grab the one on Ebay:duh:[/size]    They just adjusted this Didn't they?? Had to been within the last 3 to 4 days! I always liked the Gun with out the lady! My better half won't ride with me anyway!! Anyone got a better way of ordering from corbin, B alley get a break?? Fl Ca & Sd get to pay sales tax. Anyone know why bass pro gets away with not charging it?