Author Topic: is the deal.  (Read 2917 times)

Offline Fordtech

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  • Posts: 66 is the deal.
« on: April 10, 2010, 08:58:34 PM »
I have just installed an undertail with 2 shotgun LEDs. I want to convert the LED's into signals.
I installed a trailer tow box, but only the license illumination LEDs came on, but brake and signals
worked fine. The LEDs are dual intensity, running and brake lights. I think I need to install a "compatable
for LED's" trailer light box.
Anyone else done this mod? The lights came with undertail, normal running lights are red LEDs
At the bottom there are 4 LEDs for license illumination. Brake lights are bright red etc.
I am sure this can be done...with the LEDs compatible box......I hope.....
When I hard wired the running lights and ground...all is Ok. Normal illumination and license worked
Jumping to another 12 volt source to activate signals all is Ok...or jumping again to activate brakes
again is ok.  :banghead:

Offline Fordtech

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Re: is the deal.
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2010, 09:12:45 PM »