Author Topic: SMOOTH Levers  (Read 2551 times)

Offline stinkypalm

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« on: May 26, 2007, 06:56:45 AM »
Here is a little mod I did late last year to my 1200S.

Here is a way to remove nearly all of the sticktion form your brake and clutch levers, this makes them lighter and far smoother with more feel than before. All for about $40.

You remove your lever from the mount. (1 nut and 1 bolt)

Want you want to do is get to here.

Tap out the bush but be careful of the span adjuster falling out part as it is seperate bit of the lever assembly.

You replace the bush with a needle roller bearing (I needed 2 as I could not source a single one long enough).

I needed to drill out the lever and adjuster part by about 0.5 mm to make it fit ( a drillpress is best to keep it all straight and lined up) and pressed in the new bearings (make sure you put the adjuster bit back in as well). Looks like this now-

Give the bearings a little squirt with a light grease like a lithium spray grease and refit to the bike.  The difference is remarkable, especially in the clutch action.

I am about to fit a set of radial master cylanders of a ZX14 and will be doing this to them as well. I will get the macro working better when I do these and post updated pics.
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Offline Vlad

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« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2007, 11:38:54 PM »
Interesting bricks :). The idea is good and I got it, but next time please use a camera with a macro so we can see the actual objects.
Vlad lives in Toronto, Canada and rides