Author Topic: So there I was.....  (Read 3037 times)

Offline Hydrogen

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So there I was.....
« on: March 10, 2006, 08:51:00 PM »
I finally got my Bike back and had a blast riding it home even though it was <40 degrees F out. Looked at it every day in the garage until Thursday when I took it out to Vortex. It was closer to 20 degrees (or felt like it) that night when I left and nearly slid it leaving the parking lot on 2 rounded ice cubes. I decided that night that those tires are technically not ridable in that type of weather so I'd wait.

2 weeks later (and warmer) I run it to work one night and pick up a nail. (thin drywall nail dead center of the tire)

Is it patchable?

I've never been in this situation before but I'd rather not spend another $180 on a new rear that only has 500 miles on it.


6 months without my bike+1 nail = One pissed off Bandit Jockey

Offline ray nielsen

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So there I was.....
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2006, 09:43:39 PM »
While I've used tire plugs (the rope kind) to patch a tire enough to get home I prefer the type of plug/patch that's inserted from the inside.

Usually you can remove the tire from the rim, remove the plug with pliers and then use the plug/patch from the inside.  

Important steps are to clean the hole with a reaming tool coated with lots of tire cement before pulling the plug/patch through from the outside.  Be sure to abrade the inner surface where the patch head will be and of course use rubber cement over that area allowing it to dry before the final patching operation.  

The tire makers usually recommend dropping the speed range one notch with a patched tire and that's probably a good idea for safety.  

I've NEVER had a problem with this approach and like you, don't want to throw away an almost new tire -- especially one with a center line hole that's easy to patch.

Just my two bits worth.

Offline snofrog

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So there I was.....
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2006, 01:02:01 PM »
while i have patched tires i`ve never been comfortable on them (considering the speeds a bandit is capable of ) so as much as it sucks, i just get new
oo b12 s
thank`s Ivan
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