Author Topic: Newbie again  (Read 11788 times)

Offline banditgarry08

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Newbie again
« on: April 11, 2010, 02:08:43 PM »
Hi Guys,

I live in E-town, south side. Just bought a new/old stock 08 1250 Bandit the other day. Got a good deal from Argyll Motorsports. Have not had a bike for 8-yrs, but previous to that had four of em. It is all coming back to me, got the bike one day and started ordering goodies for it the next. Intake/exhaust/ECU tuner. I am thinking i will need some handle bar risers though, and was thinking of some engine case guards, after seeing my friends 07 Bandit he "lightly" layed down. The cases look spendy. Perhaps a taller wind screen for highway trips. Any suggestion where to get these parts here in E-town? Great site/forum. Look forward to meeting some local likewise (Bandit) riders. Thx guys.

Garry :grin:

Offline Slider

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Re: Newbie again
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2010, 02:34:00 AM »
Hi Newbie Again:

Ref: Handle Bar Risers. Consider "Gen Mar" risers which I put on my Bandit. They aren't too ugly, (look like OEM), and aren't TOOOO expensive even if you have a shop install, (come with a longer brake line which means a fluid bleed). These go up and back an inch++ and seem to fill the bill to get rid of wrist loading at slow speed to satisfy Dopler Radar and the Cop$. I would also recomend Bandit engine guards from Suzuki which has saved me more than once for low $. On these, you can mount even cheaper generic forward pegs which will aleviate the inevitable "Rigor Mortis", from classic bent leg motorcyle ergometrics. This is Especially true if you buy any sort of riding suit/armour that will protect your hide When, (not if), you go down. Road rash is immensely painfull, (been there). Note that it is the "Cagers" that will force you into the gravel.

Slider :beers:
Bandit 12, Yoshi can, jets, KNN, Gen Mar risers, 3 Givi 36L hardbags

Offline wizzobeer

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Re: Newbie again
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2010, 02:25:45 AM »
Welcome, I'm in Edmonton on the S. Side as well. I don't think you will find many aftermarket goods in town. If your looking for a touring seat I may have an extra for a great price


« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 11:55:24 AM by wizzobeer »

Offline JamieK

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Re: Newbie again
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2010, 11:47:31 AM »
I agree with Wizzo...all of my aftermarket stuff was ordered off the web...the 'chuk just doesn't seem to have much of an 'affordable' aftermarket market. As for the handlebar, you may want to try a different bend before going to a riser. The pullback angle of the stock bar put a lot of pressure on the 'heel' of my hands forcing me to angle my wrists. This eventually causing wrist pain. I went to a Bikemaster superbike bar and that alleviated the wrist pain with the added benefit of giving better front end feel.

Have fun with it!
Jamie K in Edmonton<br />06 B12S, Full Muzzy, Stage 1 jets, Timing Advancer