Thanks for the tips, Sven...You sure get tired of the pea gravel disappearing, don't ya? One year, I had $900 worth delivered and then less than a year later it had worked its way down to fault as I still had a lot of big trucks coming in and dropping stuff off.
I need more plants around the house and whatnot...I like hosta's but they're expensive here to get into at the start (for the big ones). I'm just finishing my house off and have some pine shrubs around the foundation but not a heck of a lot else. I think I'm just tired of spending money on her...
That peeing by the house is, I swear, my indicator of whether it's a good place to live or not. We're probably going to have neighbours on either side within 3-4 years so it'll be time to move.
Change is good - I change houses and cars instead of wives so that saves me a lot of money!