Isn't that funny! My broker found me ins for all 3 bikes for about $2000. Where as with TD, I pay around $1200 for all three.
Of course, not all brokers deal with the same underwriters, so even with a broker, you may have to try a few.
My "choices" with the broker I was with were:
Kingsway - IF they'd take the policy, then it would have been about $1350, but my broker was 99% sure they wouldn't, as I was a <1yr licensed rider.
Jevco - specifically insures motorcycles, but they won't insure "sport" bikes, and considered both the Bandit 400 and the 919 sport bikes, despite their classifications otherwise, and seriously,.. a B4 as a sportbike?
ING - same policy as Jevco, additionally, they will not insure bikes more than 10yrs old.
and Royal Facility, they're the "you really screwed up big now kid,... oh! You say you wanna insure it? oh,..legally you must? Bend over..."
Really, it would seem that a lot of insurance companies in Canada need to learn a little about bikes, and start to realize that they're becoming more and more plentiful. OR, we need to start to be able to buy ins out of the states, and open up a little more competition.