Author Topic: Saturday, September 1, North of Toronto Dark Sky Ride  (Read 3024 times)

Offline Vlad

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Saturday, September 1, North of Toronto Dark Sky Ride
« on: August 31, 2007, 11:40:02 AM »
The first Dark Sky Ride!

When: Leave at 11AM sharp on Saturday, September first. Do not plan to be back before 9PM if you want to fully enjoy the Dark Sky Ride, but you can turn back whenever you like.

Where: Dairy Queen, 1040 BROADVIEW AVENUE (usual Monday night meet place)

Distance: Plan for approximately 600Km, depending on the mood.

Route: Muskoka lakes and surrounding area. We'll hit some roads most of you haven't seen before. The ride will end after dark in Torrance Barrens Dark Sky Reserve on Southwood Road.

We'll pose for pictures in one of the most amazing sceneries around. We'll sit on the oldest rocks on the planet, watch the sunset, make a little fire, relax around it and watch the clear starry sky.

Pace and style: Moderate to spirited and safe. We'll wait for everyone to catch up at every turn.

Notes: Bring another layer of clothing in case it gets colder in the Barrens and some insect repellent just in case. You can also bring flashlights, binoculars/telescopes, sausages/marshmallows to roast on the fire... Good mood is mandatory

Safety considerations: Anyone in the habit of passing others in the same lane without being signaled by the rider in front does not belong on this ride. The same applies to stunting or performing other actions that may freak out cagers and attract unnecessary attention of the law.

Check here for other details:
Vlad lives in Toronto, Canada and rides