I'm on the other side of Lake Erie about 12 miles inland from the lake (called the snow belt) I went out in the woods today for some kinland wood for a fire. We had enough warm spells from time to time to put a hard crust on the top of the snow. I keep saying I'm going to get some snow shoes but I havn't. So you almost can walk on top befor crunching down through a couple of feet. Supposed to get light flurries this evening too. Seems like its been forever since I got to ride my bike! When the roads do get clear, they are covered with salt and gravel. And enough pot holes that it looks like bobms were dropped. I keep telling myself,"Its almost over!" So I soon can enjoy maybe 3 months of summer. Oh ya, and soon as the roads get washed up by a good couple of rains and they patch some holes here and there,they throw down tar and chips, so the intersections are like riding on marbles. OK I'm done whining now,hoping to get the bike oput next week some time. I don't care if its cold,just want some clean roads. Dan