Author Topic: 96' GSF600 and 98' GSF600 Carbs  (Read 3122 times)

Offline silverbandit96

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96' GSF600 and 98' GSF600 Carbs
« on: March 25, 2006, 04:05:02 PM »
Hi, here is my situation.  I have a 96' GSF600 bandit.  When I got it, it ran very poorly, and eventually it was found to have tears in the vacuum diaphrams in 3 of the 4 carbs.  Anyways, I bought a set upf 98' bandit carburetors off ebay to use instead.  Now my problem is that my old carbs had a stage II jet kit.  The bike has an aftermarket exhaust, K&N airfilter, and the weather here is relatively cold right now (about 40ish), so it is difficult to start and doesn't run well with the new carbs due to the bike running lean, and I don't think the carburetors are in that nice of shape.  So what I was intending to do was take the vacuum diaphrams out of the new carbs and put them in my old carbs that way I'd still have the Jet kit.  This should be a pretty straightforward solution.  But I had one question about the differences between these carbs.  I noticed on the 98' carbs, there are vent tubes coming from the back of the floatbowls that do not exist on the 96's, and there are also screws right next to each vent tube on the 98's that are not on the 96's either.  I'm not sure what these are, or if there is any advantage to them.  Would it be beneficial to try to put the jet kit on these 98' carbs or would it be simpler just to switch back to the 96's?  Thanks.

Offline Red01

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96' GSF600 and 98' GSF600 Carbs
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2006, 10:22:57 PM »
If the '96 carbs were dialed in,it'd be easiest to just rob the diaphragms from the '98 bank and be done with it.
2001 GSF1200S
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