Author Topic: B250  (Read 2454 times)

Offline travellukie

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« on: August 30, 2006, 01:14:40 AM »

    I used to own a few air-cooled road-trail bikes when I was younger, and sometimes when you would be giving them a good work out on a dirt track, they would over heat and a automatic switch would turn the engine off until it had cooled off enough..
    My question is, does the Bandit 250 series have this option, my bike is a early 90's series.. does it have a cut off switch ????

    This week I used a bottle of carbie cleaner in the fuel tank as I was having a few issues with that, and it seemed to work.. But after an hour of riding the bike just gurgled to a stop, and could not be restarted.. I grabbed a drink and waited for 20 mintues, when I restarted the bike it was a little lumpy for 1 minute and then I drove off and it was fine.. ?? Im not sure whats going on..

    So I am wondering if I had to problems, 1 being blocked jets and 2 maybe it is overheating..??


Offline Greg

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« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 02:46:51 AM »
did the temp light or radiator fan come on?

Offline travellukie

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« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2006, 03:09:34 AM »

 the bike is close to 15 years old and I have only owned it for 3 months, in that period I have never seen the temp lights come on, so not entirely sure that they work. Although when you turn the ignition on, the temp lights work..     Also I have only had the fan come on once, it was a really hot day and it gets very humid here in Japan, so I know that the fan  works.
 I have checked the radiator and water bottle and that is fine/ and full.


Offline travellukie

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HELP !!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2006, 05:53:09 AM »
ok let me rephrase the question,

  I am a Australian living in Japan teaching english, my Japanese is ok, but learning automotive Japanese is another total field altogether..

  I am having problems with my Bandit 250 and think it might be overheating, so I was asking if anyone knew if there was a automatic turn off switch like on air cooled bikes when they over heat..

  Like other people have said on this site, its immpossible to find anything on the web offering postings about B250 maintenaince, so I cant find out myself, this is my only outlet to find answers

  So if anyone had a few minutes to check their manuals, or their memory it would be extremely appreciated,cause Im running out of options

  thanks again,  stressed owner !! Failing this, selling parts once I've blown the bastard up !! :thanks: