Hey all,
I got a 2000 1200S. Has 7100 mile on it of which I've put on 2000. As I was riding today I started feeling what I thought the chain sticking a little. As I would get on it at about 2000rpms I could hear that sticking sound.
When I got home I put it up on the centerstand and started it up. I put it into first and I heard as I released the clutch level fast a pretty loud clank come from the middle of the engine. I put it in second and let the clutch lever out pretty quick and the noise got louder. I can't imagine the clutch going bad. I also noticed that it was a little bit more difficult to hit first gear when at a light. When it would engage it mostly made a good bang when it engages. Is it normal for these bikes to have that bang when enegaging first? Thanks all.